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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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What is the most right*id, racist/xenophobic and generally chauvinistic region of your country? Here it's V*nice

On the other hand, the most left-leaning region is my own (Tuscany), Tuscany is even called "La Rossa" (the red one) by right*ids from other regions as a
means to offend us but we actually took the nickname with pride.


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>What is the most right*id, racist/xenophobic and generally chauvinistic region of your country?
Here I marked it with red.


A week in Veneto in enough to turn every socdem in Pol Pot.


Oklahoma is the champ by far this year.


>national idpol but for regions
can you spaghetti eaters just dissolve already?


we have national idpol but for towns, get your facts straight.


should surprise no one its the deep south in burgerstan, but every now and then theres some weird revisionism around this fact. yes its also the poorest region and the region with the most majority black counties, no i obviously dont think its contradictory that the seat of slave power remains the most reactionary part of the country and has other demographic characteristics that are the direct result of being the seat of slave power that shouldve been torn up at the root but was allowed to rebrand instead




Veneto is a shithole. Worst region in Italy politically.
Its not even close


And the most left-wing region?


Is not idpol to claim over 90% ven*tians deserve a few years in a gulag

Thinking about it most of this hellhole of a country do, but v*neto is the worst by far



1. Regions are a problem in and of itself. They are too big to be a proper form of local government - with local as in you can get by car/train/bus/horse/camel anywhere in the jurisdiction they cover in no more than an hour - and at the same time their size can push local politicos to ask for more autonomy - meaning autonomy for them to keep their dirty deeds going, while effectively fucking the vast majority of people up.
2. Veneto - a modern made-up name obviously coming from Venice - is undoubtedly one of the most right-leaning parts of the country, they have a very strong small-business and petty-boss-oriented ideology, having obviously that kind of economic structure to begin with. They have been dominant for decades there, even if occasionally the local libs - what is called centre-left here - can take control of some large towns.
No doubt they are very racist, at least in words. And they don't stop at uyghur$ and other visible minorities, they often openly hurl insults at Southerners, which is not so uncommon in the North in general, but they also tend to blather about muh Most Serene Republic of Venice and show a superiority complex because of their relative economic wealth.
3. Tuscany is at best a very pale pink and lib region. Right-wingers talk about reds and communism whenever they perceive something that slightly put them off, even if it's just barely centrist liberalism. In truth, the old communist party used to be dominant in regional governments there and in a couple other bordering regions as long as it existed and the old party system was on, but when we entered the neoliberal era - the democratic party started losing its grip on power - courtesy of systematically dismantling the public services and social protections they had previously enacted. That said, I'm not an expert on Tuscany, but in recent years, aside from the share of the vote going to the dp and its allies being in costant decline, right-wing parties have taken control of several cities on the municipal level.

Too bad. It used to be the Warsaw Pact's Silicon Valley. Also, some amazing scenery, I remember a tv series about some strange ritualistic murder happening in the Rhodopes. Awesome landscape.

If you mean libs, they'll only spew even more bullshit like "this wouldn't happen if Europe was stronger!" or "thank God for Europe, otherwise we would be like Hungary/Poland(not anymore, apparently)/Turkey/Belarus/Russia!". But if you mean anyone credibly oriented to the left, then pretty everything everywhere should do the trick. Just think about the lunatic asylum that is tv, with this 24/7 talk shows and the parade of disturbing individuals they put up.

The Great Satan is the worst of the worst in every of its states. End of.

Veneto is in some respect our Texas. And I'll leave it at that.
As far as spaghetti, they are without a doubt a better and tastier food than anything you usually have in your desolate and grim country, I bet. You are what you eat. And if you eat crap…

I guess they are more picturesque because of their stereotypical character - loud and prone to very fun curses - and their tirades about muh past greatness of Venice, but Lombardy is equally bad. It's just that people there are tepid and quieter.

I am of the opinion that anything between ten and one hundred thousand people being very publicly sent to the gulag for exactly ten years - I like my powers of ten - should dissuade basically everyone else from engaging in their usual shenanigans for a very long time.


>should surprise no one its the deep south in burgerstan
Mississippi takes the top spot I think. Famous song.


Very true, Venetians are so racist they even discriminate mezzogiorno folk alot

Lombards are also kinda bad in that regard but not nearly as terrible as Venice

As for Tuscany, yes, we used to be farther red back in the day but we still the most leftist region of this country and is something I'm very proud of, if Italy fully goes fascist again, we, the emilians and romagnol will be the last bastion against it


How do you know so much of Italy anyway?


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For burgerland, you'd think the deep South or something, but no.
It's eastern Oregon. A shit ton of neo-Nazis moved there to try and create a breakaway state, and in the first place it was already pretty right wing.
Picrel, they tried to join Idaho, which seems slightly related.



Shit really? I always wished there was a left leaning rural place with pretty terrain. You're not memeing?


I wonder it it will just end up with the nazis getting coastline cucked by the literal left.


to be honest, discrimination of southerners is typical of the entire north.


red = socdems (S)
yellow = fascists (SD)
blue = porkies (M)
most municipalities in Norrland are run by an S+V or S+V+MP coalition. there is widespread understanding that Norrland is effectively a colony of Stockholm (I Norrland hafva vi ett Indien - In Norrland we have an India, commonly attributed to Axel Oxenstierna). half of rural Norrland is owned by the logging companies, largely thanks to swindling in the 1800's (baggböleri), something that the population has not forgotten. profit from the mining industry going directly to Stockholm. neoliberalism leading to shutdown of public services such as maternity wards, first aid responders etc., making rural solidarity a matter of survival for some, especially in winter (which are now creeping to down below -40°C). socialist bands like Euskefeurat remain popular, and more recently Höstorkestern. the notion of an autonomous Norrland is popular and, I would argue, could be very useful for socialist agitating
but there are also some less savory aspects, such as hatred of the Sami, especially as you get closer to the mountains




Definitely not in Emilia-Romagna


I hope so.


On the Regions stuff, I have little to say except that Title V reform literally destroyed the powers of the central State.
On the Veneto stuff, I would also add that their region is getting also a name for heroin dealings, heavily polluted tap water and abandoned industrial structures (there's like 15000 of them).
Yet they keep insisting again and again with their shit ideology.
They deserve the worst.


(Not the same FSLN anon,there's two of us)


>On the Regions stuff, I have little to say except that Title V reform literally destroyed the powers of the central State.
One of the three reforms that destroyed Italy


So based. If the northeasten weather wasn't so hot it would be like paradise on earth


From which region are you from? Are you Tuscan too?


> the most left-leaning region is my own (Tuscany), Tuscany is even called "La Rossa"
*angry Romagna noises*


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Veneto is an incredible region much better than any other southern italian regions,im not even from Veneto and i know this
we will get our Padania, we will get our Doge and we will win against Roma ladrona
if you support self determination you support the venetian people


> Rumagna mentioned


the heroin dealings are an european problem not just specifically a Veneto problem
Veneto is just generally where they get shipped as it has large harbours and clearly better infrastracture than south Italy


if Tuscany today is so right wing it's because of Renzi mostly, he was incredibly popular in Tuscany and many even voted for his referendum
he shifted his voters more and more to the right as he criticised even the most basic left wing socdem ideas

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