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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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I am looking to form a network of radicals in my city. There is precious little in the way of explicitly communist organising.

If you were entering into a new city for the first time for the purpose of radicalizing it. What places would you go to? Who would you think is most important to talk to? What events, organisations or meetings would you hold to move towards increasing radicalization in the city?


its a very long process. Honestly universities are the most ripe for radicalizing but if you're not a student maybe don't.

If I had to do it, I'd start with maybe philosophy discussion cafes, maybe leftist hangout like a cook out BBQ, or look up activist groups and start getting to know people there.

It takes a shit ton of sustained effort. My communist org started with like 4 people and it took like 5 years to get it to 50 members. Lots of trial and error in a reactionary city.


>There is precious little in the way of explicitly communist organising.
>If you were entering into a new city for the first time for the purpose of radicalizing it. What places would you go to? Who would you think is most important to talk to? What events, organisations or meetings would you hold to move towards increasing radicalization in the city?
Join the most left wing mass organisation that exists in your city, even if its socdems. There you might find people who are marxists or at least anti capitalist but havent, like you, found a party to go to.
Look if there are any capitalism critical lectures going on somewhere, like in schools, attend them.
Make these connections. Go hang out in the bar with them or whatever. Discuss politics in the city to gauge them and activate them.
Once you've got some people more or less on the "well this sucks, why does the largest party here suck, we need something else" do a reading group together or have some discussion meetings together. Go from there.


Cheers for the ideas!


Got any Palestine marches or direct actions like pickets? Those can lead you to unions and socialist orgs if any exist, some hide behind front orgs to allow non-socialists to feel more comfortable joining the action. Def ask the more radical union folk which orgs they work with.


It's hard when cities have eliminated their third spaces. Environmental groups usually have a few anti-capitalists, OP just chain yourself to a tree.

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