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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Mathew Dolloff was the based Antifa security guard who shot and killed a faggot Drumpf supporter that tried to mace him. The judge said Mathew did nothing wrong. The right tries to portray the “victim” as just a nice old man who made hats when obviously he looks like some Hells Angels pedophile psychopath and he was threatening people and chimping out the entire day. We should all be parading him around like a hero and giving him opportunities to do speeches and sending him millions of dollars. It’s so funny seeing right wingers and weird Jimmy Dore fan liberals praising Kyle Rhittenhouse then immediately turn around and scream and cry when a based antifa super soldier rightfully blows a MAGA scum’s brains out.


amerikkka general


I totally overlooked what happened to that guy, so I looked him up and read that his murder charges were dropped. He also raises livestock and bees with his wife.


Based I hop he does it again.
Also stay in your containment faggot.


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>immediately turn around and scream and cry when a based antifa super soldier rightfully blows a MAGA scum’s brains out
Well, maybe for five seconds and then they forget about him, because the right doesn't really give a shit about what happens to their cannon fodder. They're ultimately disposable while the left is more likely to make it a big deal when a right-wing vigilante kills some people.


>The judge said Mathew did nothing wrong.
whoa you mean the cops didn't merc him like they did with Michael Reinoehl?


Wasn't he a fed or a cop?
Maybe I'm confusing him with someone else.
I can't remember and can't find much now.


>Well, maybe for five seconds and then they forget about him, because the right doesn't really give a shit about what happens to their cannon fodder.
Def true.
Always found it an interesting tell as a young leftist yhatthe right does not support its prisoners, Prisoner Support its simply something thry don't do and it rally shows. Very often they're even willing to give up their comrades for their own skin.


security, so basically private cops?


I think he was a Pinkerton which has a long history tied in with the police. I’m guessing that might be why the law gave him a pass. I remember leftists were pretty distrustful of him based on that fact.


As an unarmed security guard (night shift only) I hate cops and armed security guards.

I don't police anybody. If anyone tries to break in this place (a storage for alchohol & cigars and some other shit) there is an alarm which activates regardless of me being present or not (the alarm automatically sends a signal to patrols).
I would rather try to de-escalate a situation that can get me or somebody else into trouble than alert the weaponized pigs.
Though unironically I say fuck these exceptions and bullshit excuses about good cops aka good defenders of property, while I might be acting to my morale - most people who sign up aren't like this. The job itself is basically private police.

Fuck the Pinkertons, they are all thugs for hire.


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Look at this fucking subhuman.


Wasn't he was working for Pinkerton as a security guard for a CNN crew or something like that? I've read the Pinkerton company now is just a private security company and not the same thing as the union busters of the 1930s, it's just the name. Still a private security company though.


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Rare libtard kkkop w. Just like the Ashli Babbitt thing. Occasionally liberals do good things we should celebrate.


Hell yeah fellow unarmed security guard brother. Fuck all cops and armed security.


>fellow unarmed security guard brother


is there a video of the incident?


Dieing to someone with a Retro-Gaming Space Invaders tattoo would make me want to KMS.


Only a grainy one at a distance, you can't really tell what's going on.


don't forget Michael Reinoehl, the man who killed some far right trump supporter during BLM protests in the summer of 2020, he was massacared by the police, shot like a dog, rest in peace.



That video's comment section is complete brainrot
>So heckin wholesome the feds took out the trash, justice SERVED ALL COPS ARE BEAUTIFUL
>He got OOFED, hes now a good commie

It becomes apparent that more than half of these comments were written by 14 year olds going through a phase induced by the youtube algorithms' spam of 'SJWs EPICLY OWNED' content. It all likely created a whole new generation of little psychopaths. Hard to imagine any of them seeing the bigger picture when its easier to just repeat THE LEFT IS BAD, THE RIGHT IS BASED. To some people it is simply painful to learn. Some never do.


I will not side with crazy American ethics where it‘s okay to kill someone else over something that wasn‘t life threatening. Also, valorizing something that is purely symbolic is right wing retardation.


right wingers dying is cool and good


Same. I think I even mentioned that to some one time online, like, "you guys don't wait outside the jails all night after one of your own is arrested? You don't bring pizza for when they get bailed out in the morning?" People can say what they will about anarchists here but the ones I used to know would actually do that. You can't squeeze solidarity out of an authoritarian ideology. It's like there's mainly the appearance of "we're on the same team and backing each other up" which takes the form of various signifiers, symbols they wear, uniforms, things like that.



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Obviously thats a NAP violation and as leftists we must respect the NAP or else we would be the real fascists.


I liked Karl Marx reacting to the Narodniks trying to blow up the Tsar and other officials (and succeeding) and he was supportive because that was a particular thing in Russian conditions while also being like, no, I don't advocate such a thing in Western Europe… maybe America is also different.


I’m fine with my enemies mercing each other.


>You can't squeeze solidarity out of an authoritarian ideology
What really shoe this us the funding model of the German (and some other euro states) far-right for actions, which is; get on the pay as an informant for your far-right buddies in domestic intelligence, use that money for attacks and weapons and regularly give up sime of your periphial and opposing 'comerades' to the police to keep the funds coming.


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>Jackie Brown
the underrated Tarantino flick


>It becomes apparent that more than half of these comments were written by 14 year olds going through a phase induced by the youtube algorithms' spam of 'SJWs EPICLY OWNED' content.
or perhaps even language learning models trained by conservative think tanks to manufacture a false consensus


Lee Keltner tried that in a small town.


Someone please edit footage of Lee Keltner and Ashli Babbittt getting btfo with the Try That in A Small Town song.


hey lefty /pol/ my org has a person standing by the door to stop nazis trying to harass us is this person a class traitor??? ?



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