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hi, earlier today I read an article in the guardian about influencers and how worn down they become working a 'demanding job' like this, memes aside, one of the interviewees claimed she could easily pull off 20 grand a post at her peak even if she was lying and made half that itd still be a lot of money

it got me pondering on how its possible to earn this much for something as straightforward as publishing photos of yourself consuming a particular product? what's the marxian explanation of this and what is its relevancy in the economic reproduction? are all these people just well connected nepo babies whose overdriven revenues are mostly fictional and conditioned upon increasingly more severe exploitation of other workers?


Search Engine Optimization is a material condition, and these people get selected by marketing firms to have higher SEO as reward for shilling a product, gaming the algorithm in their favor for desired behavior, and against them for undesired behavior.

Influencers as a concept is sort of an exposed nerve scenario, where it only makes sense conceptually when one fully aware of SEO and the artificiality of interuser activity in a forum dictated by it.

Luckily the core web is collapsing, so not sure if influencers will be as much of a thing after the resulting whale fall. Like they predate the internet, but were called "celebrities" and would be syndicated via magazines, TV and awkward children's media cameos, but no one really uses magazines or TV anymore.


Shitton of ppl entered the influencer market. More competition, less revenue.

Some1got the burger kids saying when they grow up they wanna be youtubers pic?


Influencers are advertisers and advertising was in the capitalist age always an important factor. Marketing is not just a huge business, it is the catalyst of consumerism and therefore the catalyst of capitalism.


I can understand why someone would follow their favorite artist or musician or whatever, but why do people give a fuck about these literally whos on social media that just lob products at people? How does an influencer gain a following?


Influencers are petty-bourgeois. They are enemies of the People.


All influencers are advertisers and advertising in our age is highly personalized. So you may think influencer A is stupid, but you like influencer B, so you will follow influencer B and buy what he sells. This can be products or ideas, it doesn't matter. Did you know, that Edward Snowden is an influencer? He is basically selling a cryptophone, the Nitrophone.


Capitalism divides everything into one sided things, including humans. Humans do know their tiny field of work, but not much more. While a full human finds what to do from nature and he decide how to spend his time. But one sided human, for example, they know there is cancer problem, but it is not their field, they discard the idea of working on that problem, etc, in all fields of life. So they rely on scientists, engineers, politicians and also they need someone who will tell them what to consume.


Is a guy that plays 25 year old video games exclusively available via emulator still an influencer in this sense? I suppose they do play ads, although I obviously never see them.


interesting way of seeing it, I've never thought about it as a byproduct of division of labour, but it makes sense


>how its possible to earn this much for something as straightforward as publishing photos of yourself consuming a particular product?
because you're advertising and you're being paid to advertise by the people whose products you're advertising, based on the size of the audience you can reach (subscriber number/avg view count)


>I can understand why someone would follow their favorite artist or musician or whatever, but why do people give a fuck about these literally whos on social media that just lob products at people? How does an influencer gain a following?
because it's really about showering attractive people with affection in the hopes of getting it back. It was always about simping. Even for talented people like musicians or artists it was really about that. Try to have a nuanced conversation about the merits of a particular athlete or artist with other people who admire their work and you'll realize a lot of them are just horny and know next to nothing about what actually makes that person talented. The same goes for the unskilled celebrities. People are just horny. People are taken in by charismatic preachers telling the most obvious lies. All they have to do is look somewhat decent.

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