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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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if we implemented a global 1 child policy we could avoid a lot of future suffering with peak oil, peak gas, peak coal, climate refugees, and mass genocides.

But nobody's going to actually follow that so most people are going to watch their grandchildren die violently and miserably from ethnic cleansing, starvation, war, and climate change as the global population falls from 10 billion to 5 billion between 2050 and 2100


>malthuism / ecofash thread
>It's totally le heckin minorities / transes breeding like superrabbits, stop making such a big deal about capitalism


>mass genocides are caused by overpopulation
/pol/acks can't help but tell on themselves.


>malthuism / ecofash thread
>It's totally le heckin minorities / transes breeding like superrabbits, stop making such a big deal about capitalism
not what I said at all. in fact it's the imperial core bourgeoisie overconsuming resources. However we are basically faced now with a choice between 5 billion dying to bourgeois violence or 5 billion simply not being born due to every pair only having 1 child. Limiting reproduction is good not for malthusian reasons, but because it raises the price of labor power by decreasing its supply. Global Birth strike is good. Fewer future slaves for pork.
I didn't say mass genocides would be caused by overpopulation. You're going to get a mass exodus from the equatorial regions to the global north as climate change makes life unlivable and then reactionaries in the imperial core, in the absent of an organized and militant left wing to oppose them, will implement genocidal policies against climate refugees. I am NOT a /pol/ack or a malthusian.


>However we are basically faced now with a choice between 5 billion dying to bourgeois violence or 5 billion simply not being born due to every pair only having 1 child.
Ironically enough, revolution would be easier to do than to enforce such a policy.
>Artificially scarcifying labor power


We need more people. More people means more proles. More proles mean more people to fight against porkie. If porkie tries to mass genocide people even more, people will fight back. With tanks



>Ironically enough, revolution would be easier to do than to enforce such a policy.
Revolution would be the only way to enforce such a policy since the bourgeois aren't going to make labor power scarce willingly. They want to grow the reserve army of labor.
more proles means labor power is cheaper so perhaps from an accelerationist perspective of making revolution inevitable it's a good thing. population will peak around 2050 at 10 billion. Then a combination of war, peak oil, peak gas, peak coal, climate change, etc. will cause a drastic drop in population. hopefully revolution happens before then.


Exactly, and a revolution would render such a policy pointless. So if OP's serious, they just don't have the timeline of what they're talking about worked out solid yet.


>i'm not a malthusian

do you read what you write?


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>peak oil, peak gas, peak coal, climate refugees, and mass genocides
sounds like a problem for future humanity

in what parallel universe are transhumanists breeding?


>population will peak around 2050 at 10 billion
You can't really predict that though, too much can happen in 25 years, a giga economic crisis or a big war would make the masses of impoverished people have a lot of babies, breakthroughs in medicine could lead to doubling the average life expectancy etc


We have already peak child in case you haven't read a single article on human demographics in the last 20 years.


- nb ppl
- pre-op / no-op
- donor organs
- that thing where a 3rd party agrees to have the baby one a couple's behalf (Mojeek search isn't reliable for anything impregnation related)
- etc…


You can get rid of 99% of the neo-nazis, evangelical schizocons, radical islamic think tanks, idpoloids, racists, "reverse racists" and twitter weirdos (with twitter itself), radlibs and their neolib masters in CIA gloves (with CIA itself and all their psyops) - by nuking all westoids and their so called garden.


>peak XYZ
Yeah, leave it to the capitalists to solve the problems of their own creation by going against the profit motive. That's totally theright course of action. The WEF is calling they want their stale (eco/woke)fascism back.

Tell you hwat', I'll cut you a deal. No class warfare, no time for that according to you, but we start culling from the richer 1% down and we see if the problem solves itself.


The western native population is falling due to advanced capitalism. You're preaching to the wrong chorus


Overpopulation is such a nonissue, cause it is correcting itself. More countries, even in the global south, have a decreasing birth rate, due to pollution, class based economics, women rights, birth control… And that's not even mentioning the wars and famines that are to come. So I wouldn't lose sleep on overpopulation. The 22nd century will start with fewer people than the 21st century began with.


>Yeah, leave it to the capitalists to solve the problems of their own creation by going against the profit motive. That's totally theright course of action. The WEF is calling they want their stale (eco/woke)fascism back.
nobody said that. in fact it was clarified in the very first posts of the thread that eco fascism is not being advocated for, and that to implement a global one child policy, you would need a revolution the first place. kindly read the thread before commenting again rather than repeating false allegations in the hope of making them "stick"


the word "overpopulation" was not used in the OP, and OP was not talking about overpopulation but rather depleting resources. in a context of rapidly depleting resources, the problem is not population, but resources. However, in order to avoid mass death we can simply avoid having more children. This is not the same as culling people. It also does not constitute eugenics or malthusianism or white supremacy or whatever other conclusions some are jumping to.
>start culling from the richer 1% down and we see if the problem solves itself.
to even implement a policy like this the bourgeoisie would already need to be overthrown. Which is the entire point. After the bourgeoisie have been overthrown, this would be the task of a dictatorship of the proletariat.


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the imperial core consumes more per capita than the periphery, and the core got to develop through colonialism/slavery/protectionism while the periphery did not. Expecting the periphery to comply with this while letting the core off the hook reproduces the pre-existing power dynamic. It's just like when the core demands that the periphery adopt "free trade" policies and open itself to foreign direct investment despite the core developing through protectionism.


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>but, the computer?
>the science?


What bullsht is this? 99% of people crying for Malthusianism do it because they are afraid that by 2050's Africa will be the only productive part of the world.
Besides the obvious idiocy of racism here (if you're racist you should welcome this development, because the Third World having a booming economy will kill 90% of immigration to the West) the rapid advance of robotics means that every part of the world, including the third world, will suffer from depopulation since under capitalism productivity increase equals unemployment equals depopulation


in fact most problems happening right now happend in spite of depopulation (the Russia-Ukraine war happened between two countries with the worst birth rates in Europe). There is a correlation between not having enough people and throwing your entire population into a meat grinder. This is dialectical yuo see

Same with the crises of the third world. Say Sudan, the main trigger isn't overpopulation, but rather depletion of natural resources necessary for reproduction (cattle) and collapse of governing capability due to neoliberalism stripping states' governing power and empowering smaller, regional export import compradors


Which is what I said. People already are having less children, even in poorer countries due to pollution, women rights and class economics. Add the future famines and wars and population will begin to slow down and maybe decline.


Thing is, the bottleneck for human civilization isn't resources, is the ammount of CO2 in the climate system.


CO2 is a resource


>another "malthusianism" accusation from someone who didn't read the thread


The fertility crisis is caused by micro plastics disrupting sperm production and embryo formation.

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