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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Comrade Zarobyan, the First Secretary of the Communist Party of Armenia, is on the podium. He began his speech by saying what a dear comrade Nikita Sergeyevich was the Great Leader of the world proletariat, how everything around him expanded and strengthened under his leadership, what a sure path towards communism he had drawn for the Armenians. Then Comrade Zarobyan noted the outstanding achievements of Comrade Khrushchev in the fight against the cult of personality and those who opposed this struggle:
"Comrades! The historic XX Congress of the CPSU played an extremely important role in the life of our party and the Soviet people. The Leninist course pursued by the Central Committee after the XX Congress found unanimous approval and support of the party and the entire Soviet people. The speeches at this congress gave a completely correct assessment of the divisive, subversive activities of the anti-party group, which tried to turn the party off the Leninist path and return it to the old politics of the cult of personality. It is no coincidence that one of the participants of the anti—party group, Malenkov, so zealously resisted the elimination of the harmful consequences of the cult of personality. This bankrupt politician organized the beating of cadres not only in the Leningrad and Belarusian party organizations, but also the leading cadres of the Communist Party of Armenia. We consider the delegates' suggestion that Malenkov is not worthy to be in the ranks of our great party to be correct. (Applause).
The great merit of the Central Committee of the CPSU, headed by the indomitable Leninist Comrade N. S. Khrushchev, is that, having decisively exposed and defeated the anti-party group and courageously overcome its resistance, he consistently ensured the implementation of the Leninist party line outlined by the XX Congress of the CPSU.
The restoration of Leninist norms of party and state life contributed to an increase in the activity of communists, improving the style and methods of work of party and Soviet bodies. The activities of the Central Committee of our Party and Comrade Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev personally serve as an example of Lenin's style of work for all of us. (Applause)".
And, of course, it was necessary to get rid of Stalinist cadres in Armenia, which was successfully accomplished:
"The recent party conferences and the XXII Congress of the Communist Party of Armenia were held with an unprecedented high activity of communists. On the basis of the principles laid down in the draft Program and the Charter of the party, the composition of district, city committees, as well as the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Armenia has been significantly updated, mainly due to the nomination of advanced workers, collective farmers, specialists, researchers, young, proven party, Soviet and economic personnel to the governing party bodies. The renewal and involvement of new personnel in the governing bodies has brought a fresh stream to the activities of our party organizations and, of course, will give great positive results."
It was absolutely necessary to update the staff, because with the old staff it was impossible to even stutter about this:
"Comrade N. S. Khrushchev's stay in our republic has become a great school for all of us. The Armenian people loved Nikita Sergeyevich even more for his wisdom and simplicity, for his closeness and deep knowledge of the life of the people, for his ebullient energy and tireless concern for the welfare and happiness of all Soviet people. (Applause).
Comrades! Currently, more than one million Armenians live in various capitalist countries, where they were forced to move to escape physical destruction, mainly during the First World War. While in Yerevan, Comrade N. S. Khrushchev had meetings with representatives of foreign progressive Armenians. Under the indelible impression of this warm, cordial meeting and celebration of the fortieth anniversary of the republic, many foreign Armenian progressive newspapers gave truthful and enthusiastic reviews of the achievements of Soviet Armenia. The progressive newspaper Ararat, published in Beirut, wrote: "…We can confirm that everything we saw was not a dream, it was all real, tangible reality."
The flourishing of Soviet Armenia in the fraternal family of the peoples of the great Soviet Union, like a magnet, attracts the best sons and daughters of the Armenian people. In recent years, the flow of requests from Armenians living in capitalist countries has increased significantly. These requests express a fervent desire to leave the capitalist "paradise" and come to his homeland, Soviet Armenia. (Applause). With the assistance and great help of the Soviet government, we decided in 1962 to organize the gradual return to their homeland of Armenians who expressed a desire to come from foreign countries. We will do everything to create the necessary conditions for their normal life and creative work."
That is, during the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the formation of the ASSR, an emigrant gathering of "progressive Armenians" was organized in Yerevan, at which Khrushchev showed warmth and cordiality, after which there was joy among the Armenian emigration and progressive Armenian newspapers gave rave reviews.
The progressive newspaper Ararat is the press organ of the anti-Soviet Social Democratic party Gnchak, whose leaders emigrated after Soviet rule was established in Armenia.
And how many progressive Armenians returned to Armenia after that to build communism? Oh, yes! First, it was necessary to fulfill the dream of the Armenian emigration – to ask the Turks for the genocide!..
And you say: secrets of archives. Here is the published transcript of the congress…

>That is, during the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the formation of the ASSR, an emigrant gathering of "progressive Armenians" was organized in Yerevan, at which Khrushchev showed warmth and cordiality, after which there was joy among the Armenian emigration and progressive Armenian newspapers gave rave reviews.

>The progressive newspaper Ararat is the press organ of the anti-Soviet Social Democratic party Gnchak, whose leaders emigrated after Soviet rule was established in Armenia.


Khruschev amnestied not only Banderites, but Nazi collaborators period, regardless of the length of their imprisonment, and amnesty was given even to those who were hiding in the West.

More than that, Khruschev in 1955 gave Adenauer of West Germany all German criminals still interned in USSR, including those who were sentenced for life


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Krutschev won.


Khrushchev is the prime example of why you should never under any circumstances trust a hohol, least of all a hohol nationalist. If Stalin made any mistakes it was his eagerness to trust and forgive, a mistake that communists have not made since


You are insane.


Care to elaborate? Why is Khruschev not worthy of condemnation in your view?


Him and Stalin were the only competent leader of the USSR.


Don’t you EVER fucking compare genocidal capitalist filth like Khrushchev to Stalin or Lenin. The absolute audacity of anti-communist leftists that you’d put them in the same sentence like that, as if they’re comparable at all. You might as well be calling Jesus and Judas “great leaders of Christianity” with a comparison like that. Fuck you you limp wristed revisionist piece of filth and count your lucky stars you live in the imperial core where you can get away with such slander


NTA, why do you hate Khruschev so much


NTA but why are you here
You should be taking after school classes if your reading comprehension is this bad


That anon, today is "Sexta-feira santa", i don't have university, i am chilling


Talking about texts, i find this letter from Khruschev to Fidel Castro quite wholesome:


>he thinks Holy Week is this week
It’s already painfully obvious you’re a Westoid you don’t need to flaunt it
Why wouldn’t I hate a capitalist roader who collaborated with Nazis, assassinated Stalin, murdered Beria and other loyalists, and killed so many Russians with his “virgin lands program” that Robert Conquest and his cohorts were able to use the casualty numbers to shift blame to Stalin. And for what? All so that his precious artificial state could be “free” from the “Asiatic hordes”. Yes, truly there is no reason to hate this man


Meds, now.


We don't have university today man, idk what to tell you.


Cosplaying Stalinoids are funny because they have to simultaneously believe that Stalin was a world-historical titan of bureaucratic maneuvering unafraid for decades and all forces opposing his vision of socialism… only for one kooky little metal worker from Kursk with a jovial laugh and a big love for corn to ruin it all.


No wonder you think “Ukraine” is a real place lol, your nation is equally fake. A nation is not a nation just because you say so, especially if it’s artificially created with the intent of genocide against natives. Of which both Brazil and Ukraine have in common, funny that! But anyways it’s pointless to argue with you since your entire identity is founded on the same kind of racist colonialism that hohols exhibit so obviously you’d feel kinship as one usurper state to another


Where did i say "Ukraine" is real


But he didn’t “ruin it all”. He temporarily dragged the USSR back into capitalism, but China was already picking up the slack, and now that China and Russia are united against the West the power of communism is stronger than it ever has in history. Khrushchev lost, all those lives destroyed for a temporary victory. But Westoids have never been good at long term planning


You’re the one doing apologia for Khrushchev, who’s considered a national hero by hohols and Teutonic settlers alike. So why are you?


The stabbed-in-the-back myth is not an exclusively nazi thing. One could speculate on simultaneously weak and strong and so and so forth. But it is enough to say: Sort yourself out.


The difference is that the Russian people and the Soviet Union as a whole really were stabbed in the back


He was born in Russia.
>Khruschev amnestied not only Banderites
He had Bandera assassinated.


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Zoinks, Bazinga


Glad we both agree that Malorussia is a part of Russia then!


>he had Bandera assassinated
And? Hitler had Rohm killed, should we cheer for Hitler now? Nazis kill other Nazis all the time


I fucking love discussing narcissism of small differences of dead people.
I fucking love rehashing defunct arguments forever instead of focusing on actually existing problems of today.
I fucking love larping about the glory days of an erstwhile socialist power instead of building a new one in the present.



Khrushchev wasn't from Ukraine, he was a massive weeb for Ukraine, which is one of the funnier things about him (so much so that many people think he was Ukrainian).


> I fucking love larping about the glory days of an erstwhile socialist power instead of building a new one in the present.
Except that’s literally what Trotskyites do, constantly. Endlessly whining and crying that their man was exposed as a traitor. Meanwhile the “Stalinoids” you so hate have moved into the future, Russia and China are the most powerful nations on earth, more and more of the periphery slips from the grasp of the West, and America itself is on the brink of collapse. We’ve won, you’ve lost
I mean every “Ukrainian” is either a confused Russian, an Austro-Polish colonizer, or a rape baby of the two, so that doesn’t really change anything


>He had Bandera assassinated.

Bandera suicided himself


bandera killed himself
he deserved it
it'll happen again


That's ableist.


mmm yes quite dialectical


I agree. HOWEVER, the cause of death as declared by autopsy was suicide by inhaling cyanide gas. Then there was some defector who admitted to killing Bandera, yet he wasn't punished for it (he was sentenced for some other thing for much shorter time and wasn't tried for espionage or anything) i.e. there's no proof he did it. Then there was Sudoplatov who wrote multiple fantasy books

All in all, the suicide is the ONLY documentally proven and expertly reviewed version of Bandera's death.


>Meanwhile the “Stalinoids” you so hate have moved into the future, Russia and China are the most powerful nations on earth, more and more of the periphery slips from the grasp of the West, and America itself is on the brink of collapse. We’ve won, you’ve lost

Nice end of history cope


should've committed suicide by two shots to the head tbh


okay but zhou was also a capitalist roader and counter-revolutionary by the end


i'm convinced soyjaks are a glowop by the increasing budget of these memes


Nah it's western Communists putting their arts degrees to use


Pretty sure it's just deranged soykids


> Meanwhile the “Stalinoids” you so hate have moved into the future, Russia and China are the most powerful nations on earth, more and more of the periphery slips from the grasp of the West, and America itself is on the brink of collapse.
> clinging to two capitalist powers
> winning
Alright I have never seen such a level of cope this naked yet




>not following Scorpo
he makes meme history xardbacc videos


>noooo successful examples of communism are capitalism!!1


Where are these morons coming from?
Who even pushes these god forsaken takes? Is it some e-celeb? Is it /pol/? Disc0rd?


They are capitalist, stop the cope.


China is not. Stop coping about your dead end of history


What is happening rn, why we have so many uninformed glowies in our ranks? Are we getting raided by right wing CIA larpers or something? Opinions, opinions, opinions, that is all i hear everywhere. Where are the news??? Where are the facts? Where is the data????


Nope, just the audience of liberal sinophobes and hohol apologists that the mods wanted to cultivate have born fruit


So stalinism was progressive despotism?


It continues in the same tradition as mongol, ottoman and Qing empires which were the most progressive empires in human history


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>Khruschev was reactionary


what are you doing here?


>China and Russia
>capitalist powers
Come on anon even you can’t be that stupid


>Muh hohols, muh feds!
Maybe you are the fed? Maybe you are the fruit born out of mod teams failure at taking proper action when necessary.

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