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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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A thread celebrating the birthday of the steadfast defender of the Bolshevik revolution, Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria! Rising to prominence in his expert managing of the Cheka when the workers and peasants of Georgia were revolting against the Menshevik servants of the British Empire, Beria rose through the ranks to squash the terrorist counter-revolutionary Trotskyite organizations after the heinous sabotage of Yagoda and Yezhov left the Soviet state fledgling without experienced managers of Police affairs. It was Beria who stepped to the occasion during this crucial hour and stopped the murderous Yezhov as soon as he could. With extensive thoroughness, Beria reviewed and released over 100,000 wrongfully imprisoned by the Yezhov gang, such as the heroic Konstantin Rokossovsky, allowing him to play his pivotal role in the Great Patriotic War.
After the 1930s, Beria continued his tireless service to the Soviet Dictatorship of the Proletariat, crushing counter-revolutionary plots and gangs of saboteurs. His service during the Great Patriotic War in maintaining domestic stability during the catastrophic conditions created by the German invasion cannot be exaggerated, him taking control of the manufacture of armaments and aircraft, and supervising the Soviet atomic bomb project.
Thanks to the early successful test of the Soviet atomic bomb in 1949, this deadly weapon brandished by the Americans was, to the great relief of all the peoples of the world, countered and could not be dropped as carelessly as the Americans had been dreaming of. Thanks to Beria's oversight, many hundreds of thousands of lives around the world were saved from the most wretched of deaths.
It was due to these revolutionary actions that the gang of revisionists, such as Khrushchev and Mikoyan, saw Beria as the most menacing threat to their aspirations of capitalist restoration. In a dastardly criminal plot, these agents of counter-revolution saw that this great Hero of Socialist Labor, who had fought uninterruptedly for so many decades in service of the people, had to be silenced permanently for their ambitions to be realized. Beria, alongside his trusted Comrades Dekanozov, Merkulov, Vlodzimirsky, Meshik, Goglidze and Kobulov, were unjustly executed by the Khrushchevite gang and its lackeys, who subsequently spread the most heinous lies and slander to justify their criminal deed.
Of course, liberals, including those liberals who wear a red garb, have accepted these Khrushchevite smears wholesale. They continue to parrot the most disgusting and monstrous fabrications created as propaganda by the revisionist Khrushchevite gang to justify their betrayal of the Soviet people. As earnest Marxist-Leninists, we see with scorn those who adopt the aesthetic of Marxism-Leninism but really seek to barrage with endless slander those who tirelessly fought for the liberation of humanity.
We say, damn those revisionist swine who backstabbed the Soviet people, who brazenly conspired and killed Beria in pursuit of this treacherous aim! Damn those liberals who wear the mask of Marxism-Leninism but in reality pledge support for the revisionists and their stooges, who swallow wholesale the revisionist lies and slander, who parrot their fabrications and deceits! Damn all who disparage the great revolutionary legacy of the martyr Lavrentiy Beria, who fought in service of the revolution until his dying breath, who needed to be shamelessly killed and viciously slandered by the counter-revolutionary scum as the only alternative would be the unrelenting and resolute struggle of Beria and his Comrades in service of the cause he had demonstrated himself to be fully devoted to, Communism and the liberation of Humanity.


this is bait


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More like the terror of children


OP probably is baiting judging but the excessive rhetoric but the facts are entirely true, the only reason you'd get upset about it is if you haven't read any good literature on the topic and base your opinions around the Death of Stalin or Montefiore. It's always funny how anti-Soviet propaganda sees Stalin as some machiavellian monster who cannot but act but to kill everyone around him for no reason, but Khrushchev killing beria and claiming he was evil is actually apolitical and entirely true.


I added some flair as if it was some propaganda pamphlet for the sake of it but the sentiment behind it is more or less real.


it didn't happen and if it did they deserved it



>Dekanozov, Merkulov, Vlodzimirsky, Meshik, Goglidze and Kobulov

Who were these people


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Beria was more good than bad, nothing can convince me otherwise.


wasn't even stalin trying to sideline him by the end?


Least deranged Stalinist


Edgyposting is fine but this one is just nasty. Im glad they shot him in the head.


How is it edgy Beria was good overall and I am glad he is being rehabilitated in Russia


I don't recall. He was part of Stalins inner circle until his death, basically 3rd in command. But it's possible since inner party politics had its own struggles.


>Bourgeois writer from a wealthy line of bankers and aristocrats
>Call Stalin and Beria paedophiles with zero references in my book
>I am in Jeffrey Epsteins black book so have literally probably raped kids. Sun Tzu: accuse that which you are guilty ofm
>Friends with David Cameron, George Osborn and Michael Gove
> friends with King Charles. Who in turn was best friends with Jimmy Saville. Prolific child rapist and protected by mi5
>my face when other leftists accuse Stalin and Beria of crimes im guilty of


Grover furr
>The Wikipedia article cited by Mike Ely is no good at all. All the citations but one come from Simon Montefiore’s book _Stalin. The Court of the Red Tsar_, which is nothing but a collection of anticommunist and anti-Stalin rumors.

Beria was a loyal soviet and anti revisionist communist to the end which is why parasites like Montefiore slander him


>such as the heroic Konstantin Rokossovsky
I chuckled


He was a carrerist liberal technocrat, pass.


>Preferred Western European Social Democracy over Soviet Socialism according to his son.
Huh, why does that keep happening in Marxist-Dogmatism?


>Montefiore accusing Beria of sexual misconduct
>Montefiore and his wife later show up on the Epstein flight logs
like clockwork


Rest in peace Beria, the rightful successor to Stalin. Had he not been murdered the imperialists would have collapsed long ago


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ok but was he a proponent of restoration of capitalism in the USSR and assassinate Stalin and rape a bunch of people?


>Had he not been murdered the imperialists would have collapsed long ago
This is true, had the USSR been dismantled and reintegrated into the global capitalist market in the 50s and the cold war prevented, capitalism would've dismantled post-war social democracy and military keynesianism, and cannibalised itself much sooner and faster bringing forth a new revolutionary period and imperialist collapse before now.
Destroying the stillborn revolution of 1917 and it's offspring asap would've been for the best.


Interesting fanfiction, got anything to back up this claim of yours?


there is no way the real lenincap would say this. call him many things but a "market socialist" hitlerite he is not


Friendly reminder: We are living in the hyperpostmodern age of metametairony. There is no such thing as "bait" on the internet. There is no truth, because there is no lie.


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>This is true, had the USSR been dismantled and reintegrated into the global capitalist market in the 50s and the cold war prevented
Cold war started in 1945 when Churchill wrote up Operation Unthinkable in which the Nazis were to be rearmed and sent into the Soviet Union and the dropping of atomic weapons on Japan as a shot across the Soviet Unions bow
>capitalism would've dismantled post-war social democracy and military keynesianism, and cannibalised itself much sooner and faster bringing forth a new revolutionary period and imperialist collapse before now.
Why? When the Soviet Union collapsed liberals in the West became so euphoric in looting the Eastern Bloc they declared the end of history.
>Destroying the stillborn revolution of 1917 and it's offspring asap would've been for the best.
Ah yes, the "asiatics" should've remained slaves of Anglo-french banks


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It's a joke Anon. He's saying that Beria was a capitalist roader, and that if he were in charge the USSR would have gone Yeltsin-mode in the 50s, leading to the early onset of neoliberalism and capitalism's accelerated self-cannibalization.


It’s also a complete lie. Beria was a staunch defender of Marxism Leninism and ceaselessly struggled against revisionism and opportunism and was martyred for it. This isn’t the kind of situation you make jokes about


>He's saying that Beria was a capitalist roader
According to Khrushchev and his clique.


According to his own son lol


Sons of communists are always a bad source.
T. Stalin


>'I am not trying to rehabilitate my father. No one in that regime can be rehabilitated but things should be known,'
Same son who happened to be a liberal and an interest to make his father out to be a "capitalist roader" to a western press that saw the collapse of the USSR in 1991.


Unlike Stalin, Beria seemed to be a good father and his son is very positive about him.
Wow, crazy how the evil revisionist Khruschev thought Beria was a liberal not a communist, Beria's son also thought so but thought it was good because that's how his father raised him. Molotov also thought the same, despite being no fan of khruschev.
Crazy, seems the only people invested in defending Beria's supposed marxist bona fides are schizos desperate to 'rehabilitate' him solely out of contrarianism and a desire to make khruschev the singular judas of soviet communism so they don't have to apply a shred of marxism to the reality of soviet history.


According to Thus Spake Kaganovich, he alongside Khrushchev and Malenkov had only been getting closer and closer to Stalin in his last years.


Why care?
Go offline. Get organised.

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