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World court unanimously orders Israel to facilitate entry of food aid into Gaza
The court issued the provisional measures which include Israel taking all steps to provide basic humanitarian aid to Gaza, and ensuring with "immediate effect that its military does not commit acts which constitute a violation of any of the rights of the Palestinians in Gaza as a protected group under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide." The court also added that Israel must submit a report on all measures taken to give effect to this order, within one month from the date of the order.

Israeli court halts subsidies for ultra-Orthodox, deepening turmoil over mandatory military service
The Supreme Court has ruled the current system discriminatory and given the government until Monday to present a new plan and until June 30 to pass it. Netanyahu on Thursday asked the court for a 30-day extension to find a compromise. The court did not immediately respond to his request. But it issued an interim order barring the government from funding the monthly subsidies for religious students who are between the ages of 18 and 26 and have not received a deferral from the military in the past year.

Germany Is Seizing Jews’ Money Again It’s fine, they’re pro-Palestine.
A pro-Palestine Jewish activist group has had its bank account frozen in Germany for the second time in seven years, after the bank requested a full list of its members’ details in what experts believe is a breach of German law. The group suspects the move was triggered by its involvement in a forthcoming pro-Palestine conference that has attracted intense scorn from the German mainstream.

Greece’s conservative government survives a no-confidence motion called over deadly rail disaster
Four left-wing opposition parties accused the government of hindering an investigation into the rail crash that left 57 people dead, many of them university students returning from a spring break. Parliament voted 159-141 against the motion following an acrimonious three-day debate. The government also rejected opposition calls to hold a snap election.

Greek police crackdown on anti-US cadets concert protesters
POLICE in Greece violently clamped down against demonstrators backed by the country’s Communist Party, who tried to prevent a concert by US military cadets on Wednesday evening. The police assault took place in the central Greek city of Larissa ahead of a concert by members of the West Point Glee Club, which is touring Greece.

Kyrgyzstan: Fallen kingmaker Matraimov deported from Azerbaijan
The rapid and unexpected deportation comes just days after government sources linked Matraimov, who they said was living in Azerbaijan, with a plot to assassinate Kyrgyzstan's national leadership. On the day that allegation was aired, the GKNB announced it had arrested five alleged members of a transnational organized crime group charged with executing the plot.

Sudan: El Gezira resistance committees accuse RSF of killing 43 ‘during first five days of Ramadan’
The El Hasahisa resistance committee yesterday accused the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) of launching attacks on 28 villages in El Gezira during the first five days of Ramadan, resulting in the deaths of at least 43 people and forcing numerous families to flee their homes.

South Africa’s ex-President Jacob Zuma barred from May elections
Zuma has been campaigning for the recently formed uMkhonto WeSizwe (MK) (Spear of the Nation) party in an attempt to relaunch his career, after he was previously jailed for contempt of court in 2021.

Argentina: Eleven found guilty of crimes against humanity after trial that heard testimony on torture, rape and forced disappearances
The convicted officials watched the verdict via video link from their couches or seated at tables in their homes, where they have been serving house arrest. Ten of the accused received life sentences, one received a sentence of 25 years, and one was found not guilty.

Forest fires burn in nearly half of Mexico’s drought-stricken states, fueled by strong winds.
Forest fires were burning in nearly half of Mexico’s drought-stricken states Monday fueled by strong winds. The National Forestry Commission reported 58 active fires in 15 states, including in protected nature reserves in Morelos, Veracruz and Mexico states.

Salvadorans Reject Militarization of Chalatenango Communities
During this week, Salvadorans have vehemently rejected the militarization of municipalities in the department of Chalatenango, which was ordered by President Nayib Bukele supposedly to control the "18 Sureños" gang.


Boeing union wants a board seat and a say on plane safety
The International Association of Machinists is taking the opportunity to negotiate beyond standard line items like pay and retirement benefits — they want a real say in quality and safety standards. "It's very important to us that we build a safe, quality airplane," Jon Holden, president of the 32,000-member International Association of Machinists District 751, said earlier this month as talks began.

US maritime union sounds alarm over global shipping standards
A top labor union for maritime engineers has sounded the alarm against corporate profiteering in the wake of Tuesday’s cargo ship crash into the Francis Scott Key Bridge, claiming the industry is “probably the worst offender”. The Marine Engineers’ Beneficial Association (Meba) warned of the dangers of growing vessels and shrinking crews – claiming that those from overseas are “not up to the standards” required in the US.

Protesters interrupt Biden, Obama, Clinton fundraiser
President Joe Biden and his Democratic predecessor, Barack Obama, headlined a star-studded fundraiser with former President Bill Clinton on Thursday that organizers said raised more than $25 million for Biden's U.S. reelection campaign. Biden, who arrived with Obama on Air Force One on Thursday afternoon, and Clinton took part in a discussion moderated by "The Late Show" host Stephen Colbert at the iconic Radio City Music Hall in front of thousands of guests.

New York City Deals Blow to Landlords
Since the bill has been extended, New York City is also working to implement new zoning ordinances that would permit commercial buildings to transition into residential units. This new move is courtesy of the "City of Yes" initiative.

Surge of new US-led oil and gas activity threatens to wreck Paris climate goals
The world’s fossil-fuel producers are on track to nearly quadruple the amount of extracted oil and gas from newly approved projects by the end of this decade, with the US leading the way in a surge of activity that threatens to blow apart agreed climate goals, a new report has found.




The Great Stink of 2024: Flush away this rotten system!
In the summer of 1858, mounting effluent on the banks of the River Thames combined with unusually high temperatures to produce the infamous ‘Great Stink’. So potent was the stench that it could apparently be smelt across central London. Overwhelmed by the noxious fumes, MPs inside the House of Commons complained that they were unable to conduct important parliamentary business. Out of desperation, some even suggested moving the seat of government out of the capital altogether. Today, a similarly foul smell emanates from Westminster. But the source is no longer the pollutants in the water, but the rancid occupants in Parliament itself – residing in a dilapidated edifice that is aptly crumbling to pieces.

“Our Big Push Was for Union Democracy and a Plan to Win”: An Interview with the Amazon Labour Union Democratic Reform Caucus
In 2022, Amazon workers on Staten Island made history. The JFK8 warehouse in New York voted to unionize, forming the first U.S. union in the company’s history — an independent union known as the Amazon Labor Union (ALU), representing over 8,000 workers. Since then, Amazon has been intransigently refusing to start contract negotiations. Union-busting tactics, such as the persistent firing of pro-union activists, continue at JFK8 and other facilities. Amazon even filed a case arguing that the National Labor Relations Board, the agency that enforces labor law, is “unconstitutional.” Two years after the historic victory, the JFK8 warehouse remains Amazon’s only unionized workplace in the United States. ALU lost the elections at LDJ5 in Staten Island and ALB1 near Albany. These results were a product of the intense anti-union activities, but also a reflection of ALU’s approach under the leadership of Chris Smalls. Under Smalls, the ALU pursued a strategy that relied on a combination of factors: the hatred towards Jeff Bezos, the huge impact of the ALU victory, the image of Chris Smalls, and the support of progressive Democrats. But without rank-and-file organizing, worker’s democracy, direct action, and class independence, it is not possible to win against a trillion-dollar company.

Alexandra Kollontai: V.I. Lenin and the First Congress of Women Workers
Vladimir Ilyich was the one who initiated the involvement of broad masses of women from the cities and villages in the building of a socialist state. The Soviet Union occupies a unique position in the world in this respect. No comparable phenomenon can be found in any other state. In every country of the world women waged and are waging their own struggle for their rights, and face powerful resistance and curt rejection on the part of their own bourgeois governments. In many countries women fought heroically for their rights, but they were nonetheless unable to achieve anywhere else those rights enjoyed by every woman in every Soviet republic. The uniqueness of the Soviet Union lies in the fact that it is not the women themselves who demand from the government the right to work, to education, and to the protection of motherhood, but the government which itself draws the women into every sphere of labour, including those to which they have absolutely no access in the majority of bourgeois countries, and simultaneously protects the interests of women as mothers. All of this is written into the Soviet Constitution, and it is without parallel anywhere in the world.


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Thanks News Anon


>Greece violently clamped down against demonstrators backed by the country’s Communist Party, who tried to prevent a concert by US military cadets
KKE seems like a very active party even before €urocrisis.

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