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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.1762168[View All]

Thread dedicated to /leftypol/ original content.
>Post original content you've made, or OC someone else recently made which you want to share.
<Or ITT collaborate on improving content already made.

If your original content is good enough, it would most likely be shared on the /leftypol/ twitter account!
Make sure to follow us and feel free to leave suggestions on this thread~

previous thread: >>1465628
>>>/leftypol_archive/1465628 (if it gets archived by mods)

Leftypol memes and other undesirables:

251 posts and 175 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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this was posted a while back


I like how the noose just sticks out of Gitler's head every time. sovl


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the left invented your memes
Guaranteed to make conservatives and reactionaries butthurt


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Reposting OC


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K es esa wea de ir a la barber todas las semanas y ocupar ropa pirata que simula ser de lujo


first one is kek


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None of these look like Hitler lmao


nah. he says "see you on sunday" he still needs someone to read it to him.


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I like the idea but a) don't know how Plato connects to materialism / dialectics / socialism
b) I would rewrite the question as well, into "Who was the brainlet what ruined communism?" , otherwise this sentence could be formulated differently or the premise could be reformulated
Apart from that like the premise tho.


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AI art is such dogshit. it's annoying to see OC threads shitted up with AI art. These people should at least edit the AI art after generating it so it has a semblance of humanity to it


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Plato wrote Republic, which was the first major work in political philosophy in the western canon and hugely influential for all political philosophy to come.
He also matured Socrates' form of dialogic/dialectic arguments, and among the Greeks is probably most singularly influential since his works have uniquely survived to the present intact, and his school provided the context in which many other philosophers did their work.

Not really relevant, but an interesting parallel is that through both Plato and Marx we know about a lot of their contemporaries who might have otherwise been forgotten (e.g. Diogenes and Stirner)


Oh yeah and the joke is that trying to trace back "where it went wrong" ends up in not being communism at all any more. People do that with Hegel all the time, but they ignore it, so I went even further to Plato who's clearly not a communist, just a utopian thinker.


It's one annoying kid. He's been told a million times it looks like trash and is spammy but idk, he's autistic or something.
I wish he'd just learn to draw, honestly.


Communism as the spectral "end of history" is the impossible object, like the bottom of a fractal mandelbrot sequence. Hegel's point about the end of history and his ideal "civil society" is thst it has constantly been formulated throughout each epoch but failed. History itself is the failue to reach its own end
In regards to plato, part of the tragic logic of this is how he was requested to put his political theories into action but died before he was able to, so the ideal republic is lost to its hypothetical existence.



kek, nice one anon


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Ian Sneedman


Does anyone have the Tsar being "anti-imperialist" meme?


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File: 1715527597661.jpg (239.2 KB, 1024x1024, OIG3.qDh1DqO3AjRizJo.jpg)


FYI there's a couple threads specifically for AI OC as well
>>>/draw/3405 (communist themed AI images)
>>/siberia/456918 (general AI content)


>>>/siberia/456918 (general AI content)
forgot the extra > for crossboard link


File: 1715549802613.png (10.23 MB, 1512x2755, drac2).png)


they don't even have to learn to draw. i would rather the fridge drawings of a 5 yr old than more AI slop


Excellent work, based.

I might try to trace/edit this to clean up the AI's mistakes at some point, no promises tho.


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some banners


File: 1715648082315.mp4 (1.46 MB, 720x1280, RoRM6Lg1nj9aB8HA.mp4)


you got the sauce to the akko holding quotations from chairman mao?


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good morning i hate summer


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someone post the meme of Gorbachev saying "do you think you know better than our 19 million party members westoid" or something


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>the modified rorschach quote from the trailer
>not the actual quote
shiggy diggy greta


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oh neat you modified the janny banner I made a while back


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this one?
haha no prob it was a rly neat image :) take a look at the /meta/ moderation thread btw


exactly that! thank you anon :D


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The Eternal Anglo AKA:
>Les Goddams
>Corgi Fuckers
>Ghost Men
>The Sunless
>Zionist's Favorite Demon
>Coal Children
>Angloman's Smile
>Bong 'People'
>We Wuz Romans
>Tea Pissers
>Queen Shits
>Smog Stalks


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File: 1716075923292.png (676.05 KB, 747x1904, ClipboardImage.png)

Unique IPs: 27

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