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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Is there any resource where I can get quick info/copypastes to BTFO anticommunists? I know leftypedia was possibly going to have something like this but couldn't really see anything about it on there. Does anyone else have any ideas for how to compile this?


1) choose a topic
2) pirate all books related to that topic
3) read all the pirated books related to that topic
4) congratz you can now debunk anything related to that topic

>but I want it NOW and I want someone ELSE to do it

too bad. you're a part of the left now so grow up and do your damn job.


there's this thread with a google doc




>too bad. you're a part of the left now so grow up and do your damn job.

the amount of time it takes to try to debunk the 'muh gorillions' thing is not an effective use of it since it comes up so often, it would be much easier to just have a stock response


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We used to have infographic posting generals.


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>too bad. you're a part of the left now so grow up and do your damn job.
Shut the fuck up. >>1758407 is right.

Educating people takes time. We should consider and share ways to make this more efficient rather than waste time on unnecessarily re-inventing the wheel. If we can guide skeptical people to an FAQ wiki which answers all their what-ifs and i-gotchas, then that's perfect.
It is completely achievable to make debunking more anti-communist bullshit more efficient than generating it.

This isn't a proper answer to your question, but it's worth knowing the booru has some good guides. Someone posted a work-in-progress wiki on /edu/ somewhere inspired by the leftypedia Rhetoric articles, I think the idea is great but it's only got two articles so far and those need a bit of work to make them less 'youre wrong' in their delivery.


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>>1758426 *
Inforgraphics - https://lefty.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=infographic
Debunks, which aren't tagged as infographics - https://lefty.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=debunk+-infographic

Now that you mention it, I remember seeing one a few years ago. If you have some, make a thread. If you don't want to, I'll download a few and make a thread.



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>under socialism, the working day is as short as possible because the labor pool is maximized
Wrong. The working day is as long as socially necessary, according to goal of maximizing the forces of production.


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Socialism isn't a productivity cult


>I know leftypedia was possibly going to have something like this but couldn't really see anything about it on there
This seems like the best place to have resources like this. Plenty of debunks can be found across internet with few google searches but these should be centralised in one place for /leftypol/ users.




A definite condition of the development and dominance of the socialist mode of production is that it must achieve an intensity of productivity which capitalism couldn't've attained. See Communist China's socialist mode of production for proof of this.


Genuinely less than useless



Not talking to you, am I





These are right, but there's really no point in moralizing a mode of production. As shitty as capitalism is, it is a necessary stage of development towards socialism. Instead we should focus on how technological and social progress has outgrown capitalism's potential and how this gives rise to irreconcilable conflicts of interests between classes, leading to exploitation, social unrest, genocide, famine, war and a million different things.


Another way moralising capitalism is a problem is that libs can point to the several achievements of capitalism and act like it is a morally good system, even though morality should've never been part of the conversation to begin with.



This could be actually useful.


See the >>>/edu/4210 debunk thread lol, that's what it's for


Go on leftybooru and search the tag "debunk" or "debunks" there's tons.


The famous workers struggle for 12 hour workdays, indeed


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just show them this and they'll understand

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