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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.1532795[View All]

Previous thread: >>1263434

Talk about job/career advice and other related stuff from a leftist perspective. EX: How to get a job, promotion, skill, switch companies, resume, life hacks, etc.
331 posts and 42 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


<nobody's my life's so bad I could afford to go to university, I could afford to stay for 7 years and I live with my parents!!!
<its over should I kill myself?
Yes but for being a privileged cunt laying in misery of your own making because you've decided that you're not privileged enough despite more so than the vast majority of us will ever be.
All the benefits in the world, still cries and acts hard done by…
Fuck I hate you.


Fuck off man, everyone has their own struggles.


You are healthy, you are going to have a degree in an in-demand field, you have no other responsibilities. You are just one internship/entry-level away from a cushy middle class existence. Take the chill pill dude and maybe talk to a therapist or counselor.


And the struggles of wallowing middle class hofh educated failsons for not getting their prestige 2% job is worth mocking..
Boo hoo he'll have to get a normal job and pay rent what a world ender….. ffs.


I know you're an American and thus incapable of understanding anything but many countries in the world have severely reduced or even free tuition for university.

Hell even Argentina had free university until quite recently. Higher education is by no means a sign of privilege because there are many poor countries where the government will find you.


*fund not find
stupid autocorrect


This, I was out of work for half a year after a layoff. I put it down as independent contracting with some fake but believable projects tailored to whatever job I'm applying to.

How did it go anon?

Stop catastrophizing you're in your 20s for fucks sake. You have a CS degree. Nobody gives a shit about your grades don't list your GPA. If you can actually program you will find a developer position eventually. It will be a lot of work applying and interviewing. If you can't, I still have good news. Your degree will also open doors for an IT career, which is generally easier to get into and more stable. Instead of whining on image boards you should be writing cover letters and making connections with your peers. I hate that your post reminded me I was like this right before I graduated. Wahhhhh I'm weird because I chose to spend all my time online, I didn't have sex in college, my life is over. Get over it and live your life.




We have free tuition in America. You just have to have high autism score


based word filter


Having a bit of a mental crisis right now because I decided to choose a stem degree. I like science and I like maths but I am actually living in a country that has a few cool economics and politics departments that aren't completely neoliberalized. Been reading course decriptions and requirements of master programs for the past 2 hours, as well as biographies of research assistents working there, imagining how my life would have been different. On the other hand I can't see myself just writing essays and papers all day that no one will read and not building shit. Thinking of pivoting to Data analytics/engineering/econometrics or something related at least. No idea what to do.


Hey anon if you're still alive, I strongly suggest taking the ayahuasca before you consider ending it all. You seem stressed, therefore this might just solve most of your problems. If you don't believe this, then it won't hurt doing your own research about the properties of the ayahuasca or just doing it anyway since you have got nothing to lose and everything to gain.


I'm a habitual bohemian/socialite/homeless vagrant/busker but I have a GF I love now and need to get my shit together and get a job, any job

how easy is it to mass apply and get something like hotel cleaning? Not going to do Amazon again


Do you have a criminal record?


nope, no criminal record


Everyone at work got a measly 2% raise and a tiny bonus today and they are PISSED. Straight up stopped working for most of the day. You already know I'm taking this opportunity to agitate for a union


Strike the iron while it's hote. Make those 2% 12%. I am sure the company made record profits this year.


Well an update, they cut my hours to below minimum wage levels. I wont be able to make rent and barely am able to feed myself now with the amount they cut me. Ceo gave some sob story about how business was bad, meanwhile I can see on their sheets they make 80k a day and still arent doing that bad. They were on call questioning how long it takes to do the work on the timecards I was submitting.

They'll probably lay me off outright soon enough. Just feels humiliating to be tossed scraps. I dont know how people put up with this shit. Im looking for work but chances are slim Ill find anything in this economy. It took me 7-8 years to find a job the first time after the recession so I have no hope.


>they cut my hours to below minimum wage levels
Absolutely vile. They do this to make you quit because you might file for misclassification and cost them. I hope your DOL complaint goes through and you can find something soon anon. What type of work do you do?


Yeah they put me in a bind because I need the scraps theyre tossing me too. But if I wait too long, I wont have enough income to make as much in unemployment as I think it goes only off the previous year.

Yeah theyre probably hoping I quit and dont file the claim. When they lay me off I intend to file anyways, fuck em. I recorded the boss on the phone saying he considers me an employee.


its easy to get a job, its hard to get a good job


>going to graduate in two semesters with a degree in computer science from a shitty state university
bruh this already puts you above like 60% of US jobseekers



tons of reddit CS grads unable to get dev jobs or even IT, and are now working as line cooks etc.


>Yeah I can see why they won’t hire. If much of the work being pushed out is that unsubstantial it’s reasonable to guess most employers aren’t taking getting new staff entirely seriously and are prone to giving job seekers unrelated chores to do to compensate so they don’t have their employees doing work they never needed or will ever used
you would think that but somehow there is always an unlimited supply of manual processes in any business to automate even 90% of what analysts do people clicking buttons and making excel spreadsheets could easily be automated by a script or two.


what career should i pursue as a german transsexual? i am scared people will be mean to me.


Embedded systems engineer at a supplier for the car or energy industry.


I mean this was evident. The push to "just learn to code bro" was obviously sponsored by tech bourg to flood the job market with cs graduates - they were too expensive beforehand.

Talking about that, anybody got any experience getting DBA certs? wanna get into databases.



all it ended up doing is most tech jobs increasing the requisites to apply here


is the aws test worth it? i dont want some random burger or indian or whatever having to look at my face and room for an entire hour


Good video anon. Yeah data roles seem to be the black sheep of tech imo.

It created a reserve army of labor for a particular skill, the effects cannot be ignored for long.


>is the aws test worth it?
As a developer? For sure. Management doesn't want to hire a dedicated devops engineer because they cost more money, so they'll expect the dev team to be responsible for devops. As someone that is part of the hiring process and read resumes, we'll try to find someone who has experience with cloudops and seeing a cert on their resume helps. I'm not expecting them to be an expert whatsoever, but they should at least know the very basics.
Imagine you have to read through hundreds of resumes to fill an entry level software engineering position and they are all nearly identical because they all went to the same school where they all did the same projects. The only things that set you apart are personal projects you worked on and your knowledge, focusing on either of these two things will really set you apart from everyone else.


i know almost nobody cares about free certs but what about paid certs that dont come from the big boys in tech?


Just get the big boy certs. There's no valid reason to go for some second rate ones particularly if you're gonna pay money for them.


>>1843037 (Me)
>wanna get into databases
So apparently I've been 'educating myself' and it seems pursuing a data career involves hours upon hours of meetings with management, money"people" and some porklets so I'm saying fuck that gay shit lol.

Anybody here has some SYSADMIN experience?


There are literally only a few certs that are actually "worth it" in tech ops:

Red Hat * (Legacy) RHCSA. RHCE
Cisco * (legacy), CCST, CCNA, CCNP, CCIE
AWS, Azure, and GCP
Linux Foundation/Kubernetes i.e. CKA, CKAD, CKS and MAYBE LFCS if you can't swing the RHCSA for whatever reason.

thats it. thats literally it. the only other one that even comes up sometimes is the terraform cert but that requires cloud knowledge to do anyway so maybe just pick it up after cloud really quick since its an easy cert. Or Security+ for the aforementioned glow in the dark jobs which you probably cant get due to being a commie anyway.


do you have any IT experience at all or are you coming from a totally unrelated job/career?


>Breaking in as a junior would be tough but ofc not impossible.
From what I've read, Data Analyst would be the entry point for such a career turn but I don't know…

Around 8 years give or take, most of it spent on "stable" posts filling IT / tech support roles, and some codemonkey stuff too. Nothing too fancy since I just have an undergrad third-world degree on "Informatics".

My current job is at a smallish shop so I'm filling for a lot of tech roles as expected; the SQL / reports part is by far the most fun for me nowadays which is why I initially was considering further specializing in the data side of things.

I'm having second thoughts ofc because it appears the "surest" path towards the more technical side of data is through becoming a Data Analyst as an entry level job; this would incur a LOT of socializing with pseudo-human business "people" so I'm getting cold feet now lol.

But yeah, I'm considering that maybe a sysadmin role would be a better suit for an autistic introvert like me. Still undecided.


Research your country's job market and see what linux certs they ask for. In North America this is likely Red hat maybe Linux+ in some cases, in other places probably LPIC, but please do your research on your local job market.

Basically just get one of these and start applying for sysadmin jobs on the basis of that. Try to take on more sysadmin responsibilities at your small shop and market it on your resume as a "sysadmin" position.

That's basically it.


you could go the windows sysadmin role but its alot more work since they seem to not trust windows admins that much and require a ton more certs.

Microsoft Certified: Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate


CompTIA Server+

Some sort of network cert like Network+, CCST-Networking, CCNA(possibly overkill).

And some experience with virtualization, which does have certs but they are way too fucking expensive, let alone for a thirdoid. Maybe just read VMware documentation instead.


I did a quick search and it's a LOT of Microsoft lol.
Guess I'll have to device a way to get the cert(s) and some cheapo vmware thing on the side if possible too.


>A hurr hurr if you dont like your job quit
<Quit a job basically on the spot
>Told my interviewers i put in notice
>Turned down for like the 4th time now
Wtf is the point of America if you need money to live but people wont even give you a job


>Turned down for like the 4th time now
Damn you're the Stalin of job application.


Don't tell them you're out of work. You lose leverage, and they subconsciously wonder if you'll quit on them too.


Lol. So just lie then right? I dont see what other option there is


4 interviews aint shit. unless its 4 digits


Generally allocate 2-6 months to find a job, and expect to go through 200 job applications before you get hired. Job market isn't what it was in 2022, where there was a labor shortage.

The US military is understaffed for enlisted jobs given the quality of the job market and selling your soul to the security state isn't a bad gig.

In general, expect to put in at least 60 hours a week for your job, even if you get less hours, and the gig economy (uber etc) is the new unemployment.

Yeah, capitalism sucks.


>>1856864 me, cont

Also, seek to get a masters ASAP.
Bachelor's is the new high school diploma stateside and is just a minimal qualification. Masters costs money, though, in the vicinity of 40k for 2 years or more.

Basicallt, unless you graduated from an Ivy (Grandes Ecoles, Oxbridge, elite Germans) or a Tier 1.5 at best, you are in deep shit on a Bachelor's level. Even with a masters you are in trouble, and 6 digits stateside is just 1 SD above median income as median income is now around 70k due to inflation.

Also consider relocating to a lower cost locale if you can't get a decent job in your area.


>>1856868 me cont

Everyone should learn to code just means literacy, i.e, Python, not C or C++ or god forbid, Haskell. You aren't going to be paid as a dev, but rather as someone who can do minor scripting tasks supporting your actual vocation; i.e, data science for your job or building a quick node webapp for your IT team to reimplement from the prototype.

Look for careers adjacent to IT if you're not top 16%.


>Also, seek to get a masters ASAP.
NTA but I would add here that a technical masters is better in 99% of circumstances than an MBA or even engineering management/it management degree with the sole exceptions of high ranked elite i.e. stanford/harvard/etc. MBAs launching you into consulting, management, etc. gigs which pay $150k+ entry level. For burgers you can get an online degree from WGU or EdX/Coursera aligned universities for usually $10-$20k which is cheap as fuck for a masters.
i.e. coding will just be equivalent to basic literacy in the tech world.

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