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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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 No.16648[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Long-hidden ruins of vast network of Maya cities could recast history
<In Guatemala, scientists map well-organized network of 417 cities dating to circa 1000 B.C.

>Beneath 1,350 square miles of dense jungle in northern Guatemala, scientists have discovered 417 cities that date back to circa 1000 B.C. and that are connected by nearly 110 miles of “superhighways” — a network of what researchers called “the first freeway system in the world.”

>Scientist say this extensive road-and-city network, along with sophisticated ceremonial complexes, hydraulic systems and agricultural infrastructure, suggests that the ancient Maya civilization, which stretched through what is now Central America, was far more advanced than previously thought.

>Mapping the area since 2015 using lidar technology — an advanced type of radar that reveals things hidden by dense vegetation and the tree canopy — researchers have found what they say is evidence of a well-organized economic, political and social system operating some two millennia ago.

>The discovery is sparking a rethinking of the accepted idea that the people of the mid- to late-Preclassic Maya civilization (1000 B.C. to A.D. 250) would have been only hunter-gatherers, “roving bands of nomads, planting corn,” says Richard Hansen, the lead author of a study about the finding that was published in January and an affiliate research professor of archaeology at the University of Idaho.


Graham Hancock - absolved
His detractors - BTFO
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You are genuinely retarded and schizophrenic. You should seriously think about the rabbithole you are in and consider reaching out for help.


Already made a post demonstrating why this is a sensationalist and misleading headline.


>why does he insist the Yonaguni monuments are artificial
I don't recollect him claiming this but Kimura Misaaki has stated such and has the education in tectonics, geology, archeology etc. to know what he's talking about. The idea of a sunken city or remains of such are not far-fetched. Russia has many legends of such sunken ancient cities, with at least a few accounts of Soviet explorers finding such places in the early 1930s but being unable to locate them again because they lacked the mapping equipment to mark the mountains and canyons they were exploring.


yes and various other geologists insist they are a natural phenomena


>various other geologists insist they are a natural phenomena
<The mainstream assertion claims the opposite
No shit.

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I've read plenty of theory but any good books from the last 10 years about police? I'm particularly interested in the culture of fear police have when it comes to interacting with people.




Our enemies in blue



Oh that's the third edition, originally from 2007, so maybe OP won't like it.



I'm in a marxist org that I think has shied away from attacking the police and I want to correct our line. I believe Farell Dobbs was in the right when he said the following in Teamster's Rebellion:

"Under capitalism the main police function is to break strikes and to repress other forms of protest against the policies of the ruling class. Any civic usefulness other forms of police activity may have, like controlling traffic and summoning ambulances, is strictly incidental to the primary repressive function. Personal inclinations of individual cops do not alter this basic role of the police. All must comply with ruling-class dictates.

As a result, police repression becomes one of the most naked forms through which capitalism subordinates human rights to the demands of private property. If the cops sometimes falter in their antisocial tasks, it is simply because they-like the guns they use-are subject to rust when not engaged in the deadly function for which they are primarily trained. No police organization is exactly the same day in and day out. Two essential factors determine its character at a given moment: the social climate in which the cops have been operating and the turnover of personnel within the force. An unseasoned cop may tend to be somewhat considerate of others in the performance of duty, especially while class relations are relatively peaceful. Even in such calm times, however, the necessary accommodation must be made to capitalist demands, including readiness to shoot anyone who tampers with private property. Otherwise the aspiring cop, if he is not kicked out of the force, will have little chance of rising beyond a beat in the sticks. By gradually weeding out misfìts along these general lines, a police department can keep itself abreast of requirements during a more or less stable period in class relations."

The issue is these are powerful words but I want to prove that they have been borne out by reality. Particularly I think since the financial crisis/anti police movements police have shifted more and more right wing as relative class peace falls apart. Similarly I'd also be interested in works that look into the nature of police unions.

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Thread on the Indian Peninsula and Surrounding Areas Closely Tied to the Country
To unite various Indian topics that cropped up: Post historical and modern geopolitical discussion, memes, photos and pdfs on the topic. Keep it civil and no bad faith dogma, spam or bait, keep that to /siberia/
Contribute to Leftypedia: https://leftypedia.org/wiki/India >>3780 thread
Articles on Britain, Pakistan and more needed.

Important Topics
>Pre-Colonial Indian History
Indian history that isn't just British colonialism. Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs warring over each other sounds way more exciting but you rarely hear anything about the era and the place. Recommend any books to easily get into the settings of the culture(s).

>Colonial India

History of British colonialism and it's exploitation and impact on the country(s). British humanitarian crimes such as the Black Hole of Calcutta are welcome to be posted.

>Modern India

Modern political, social and economic issues of India ranging from international conflict to internal turmoil. Environmental issues also welcome.
An Indian Dentist that does political writing on the state of the country and has soviet sympathies: http://bill-purkayastha.blogspot.com/
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Also here's a detailed explanation of the history of Sri Lanka from a Marxist perspective by Comrade Shanmugathasan


A very detailed explanation of the history of the Indian state of Karnataka from a Marxist Perspective by Comrade Saki


Funny thing is that the Zelda CDi was animated in 90s Russia for cheap, that's why its so strangely animated and voiced.


He means England should make capitalism (the material base of Western society) the dominant form of production in India through their colonial policy and commerce


In case Embed dies
>The C-Word – Episode 1 – 1991: The Silent Coup
By BlackFlag India


Where can I learn about "post-colonial" history of African countries? Preferably something in depth about the economy and also preferably by someone who isn't a neoliberal mouthpiece. Perhaps a Marxist even. Do you have any literature/author recommendations?
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Oh, interesting suggestion. Yeah I was about to ask for a pdf but report back when you come up with a solution


aye aye comrade


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A fundamental issue with all Post-Colonialists fields, is that they are written by dipshits who would be considered the top 1% of their own nation, and whose defining moment of racism is being called a slur once at Oxford. Most of their theories were simply imitating Marxism, but with elaborate theatrics to an extent


yo sorry, been a while. so for personal reasons (logistical, not emotional) i havent made any progress on online ordering/online ebook question of whether the book i posted is available as either. There is another (i think) good book about somalia which is this
https://archive.org/details/socialistsomalia00sama i havent read it myself but its sighted by most indepth modern (recent) histories of somalia that ive read that are in english. the general problem with indepth somali social and economic history is that theres mostly jack and shit about it in english and theres somehow even less online in somali too. theres only *1* book i could find about the economy of somalia before Barre's "socialist" coup and its was made like 2021. ill send a link to it tommorow but ive gotta buy since its nearly out of stock


Hey, nice and thanks for getting back to me. I will def give it a read when I'm done with some other books

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 No.4210[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Since /leftypol/ is downright autistic at times I decided to make a Debunk thread where anticommunist arguments are presented with their debunks by users.
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Could we add Roots of Rebellion to the list for being a mainstream source that shows that the political dominance of the Bolsheviks was overall reflective of the Russian proletariat's will rather than due to their "disagreeableness" or totalitarian will?


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>if you do a communism your children will live in splendor long after the costs have been paid
>if you do capitalism you live in shit and so will your children but at least you didnt pay much
>Russia has better metro system because Joseph Stalin hated freedom and built it without regards to the cost, while New York metro is a product of capitalism and is the result of private-public partnerships built at an acceptable cost
<Democracy makes you rich!
This was vid rel's response to Tucker Carlson's visit and commentary of the Moscow Metro system. Pic 1 is that station and the irony of it all is that this was one of the Metro stations NOT built in Stalin's time, but built a year after his death.

The funny part about this for me is that only a few years ago the narrative was
>Communists are too cheap and always don't have money so that's why all their technology is bad and unsafe and uhhh broken!
To the point where they even had almost that specific line in Stranger Things Season 3, with the obnoxious, snarky black girl that kept repeating Ben Shapiro lines about Capitalism and Freedom.

Which is it? Were the commies spending too much and producing things that will last for centuries and can be considered works of art… or are they cheap retards who never built anything to last and were all soul-less and repressed art?

These are actually two separate prongs of ideological attacks. The first one attack the regulatory-bureaucratic state of the Soviets who are seen as excessive and decadent since they deviated from the social darwinic norms of the Free Market that let people die homeless if it's profitable. The second attack is just general contempt rich countries have against people they perceive to be poorer than them


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Common fashoid dualities that they switch depending on their attack angle.

>"Stalin was a JudeoBolshevik!"

>"Stalin was an antisemite who wanted to kill Jews!"

>"Lenin was a German agent!"

>"Lenin established a Red Russian Empire and invaded Ukraine!"

>"The USSR invaded Poland with nazi Germany!"

>"The USSR wanted to invade Europe, nazi Germany saved Europe from Bolshevism!"

>"Hierarchy is natural and based!"

>"Kill the Jews on top my fellow Aryans!"

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>Shitty /pol/ infograph placing real and myths on various and often incorrect tiers
What a waste of trip 8s.


Found this youtube short recently where a 'former' US Special Forces soldier talks about how the US populatio isn't ready for a war today. That's true, the US military today is not ready for a large-scale conventional conflict, which is why they aren't ready or willing to engage in all out war with Iran. However the rest of his statements are either ignorance or intentional revisionism.

The phrase "rifle behind every blade of grass" comes from a quote attributed to Admiral Yamamoto about the USA, not Japan (although to be fair this statement applied to Japan too). The more blatant revisionism is that "(the USA) won the war in Europe" and that the USA pushed into Berlin… It's one thing for ordinary US citizens to be utterly ignorant of the Soviet role in WW2 (see the RT interview from years back asking ordinary Americans about WW2) but a professional special ops soldier? He's not some jarhead grunt, military courses in the USA do (or did) teach about Soviet battle tactics including during WW2 and most certainly know that the USSR was the one that took Berlin and that the USA didn't enter the land war in Europe until 1944, when the back of Nazi Germany was broken already and they were a dying fascist animal.

Him being visibly proud of the indiscriminate bombing of German civilians by the USAF (and British RAF, though he doesn't mention the Brits over that) which were not only ineffective at stopping Germany but killed more innocent civilians than Nazis is just ghoulish.

His attempt to dismiss moral justification for starting a war is also nonsense. Yes war isn't without brutality, but there's a difference between the inevitable violence, and pointless slaughter.

 No.9252[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

ITT post information about the history and anthropology of the New World. A lot of new anthropological work has been done in this field in recent decades that has not yet entered public consciousness.
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<In 1992, German toxicologist Svetlana Balabanova discovered traces of cocaine, hashish and nicotine on Henut Taui's hair as well as on the hair of several other mummies of the museum,which is significant in that the only source for cocaine and nicotine had at that time been considered to be the coca and tobacco plants native to the Americas
<This result was interpreted by theorists and supporters of contacts between pre-Columbian people and ancient Egyptians, as a proof for their claims.


please don't go off the rails with this stuff and keep it to things that are substantiated. there's a Hancock thread for more open speculation about the topic >>>/hobby/36674

>However, mainstream scholars remain skeptical, and they do not see the results of these tests as proof of ancient contact between Africa and the Americas, especially because there may be possible Old World sources of cocaine and nicotine

>Two attempts to replicate Balabanova's findings of cocaine failed, suggesting "that either Balabanova and her associates are misinterpreting their results or that the samples of mummies tested by them have been mysteriously exposed to cocaine".
>a study in the journal Antiquity suggested that reports of both tobacco and cocaine in mummies "ignored their post-excavation histories" and pointed out that the mummy of Ramesses II had been moved five times between 1883 and 1975.
It's a very interesting line of evidence and while this seems like a pretty implausible explanation, there isn't as significant a body of evidence or an assurance of the evidence's legitimacy as seen here >>21814

However, the evidence of contact between South America and Rapa Nui does lend a lot of credence to the possibility of contact elsewhere and suggests more research should be done in that direction.


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>>However, mainstream scholars
stopped reading there


Werent these mummies previously displayed openly in a museum at a time when people were smoking inside?


And probably openly doing cocaine too lol

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The history of space travel. I want all material, factoids, trivia, books on space. From Sputnik to the recent Crew Dragon and further beyond
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Speaking of satellites, the DPRK recently launched a military satellite and it's already taken photos of military bases in S.Korea and now the Hawaiian military base in the USA. Honestly hats off to North Korea's scientists, truly they work in the spirit of Soviet grinding - hard-work and planned economics letting them slowly but surely achieving things that require a stable and strong socio-economic system, from Nuclear weapons and rocket launching systems to their own, indigenous military-industrial production.



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Related slightly to the nuclear thread as well >>20394

This is late news but a month back the US MSM was drumming up hysteria about Russian ICBM capabilities and supposed preparations in the use of space-nuking.

Russia is developing space nukes… as a response to the US refitting the space shuttle platform as an orbital nuclear launch system for glide vehicles in violation of the outer space treaty, which was a response to Russia developing hypersonics* and the US being unable to compete, which itself was a response to the US unilaterally pulling out of the ABM treaty so they could deploy dual use nuclear capable anti-missiles in Eastern Europe pointed at Russia claiming non-existent Iranian threats as justification to escalate to the current war in Ukraine. The USA is also working on space lasers for early warning and tracking against hypersonics and possibly direct energy anti-missile systems which is why in response china developed and successfully tested their satellite killer missile. The interesting part is that the USSR predicted this as being the end goal of NASA's Space Shuttle program, despite denial from them.



Part of the reason for this hysteria is justified, in the sense that Russia's ballistic missiles of every type are superior to NATO equivalents, with only the aging Trident II SLBM being any actual threat and the LGM-35A Sentinel program being delayed heavily because of costs and mismanagement.

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The Angara A5 rocket was successfully tested recently. It is the replacement for the Proton-M series of rockets with several serious advantages relative to the older Soviet rockets.


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No thanks i already work for the glowies


This is actually a nice pasta!

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Where is the scientific rigor to Scientific Socialism?

Why is it always theory, never read proof?

Read theory, read theory, read theory. Read theory, read theory, read theory. Read theory, read theory, read theory.
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it isn't soyence, it's wissenschaft


You conflating speculation with arbitrarily making shit up when it actually means thinking about thinking in the same way you are conflating science with empiricism.


The preface is Hegel’s phenomenology of philosophy; it treats the various forms of philosophizing and delineates their defects. In a sense the preface is the completion of the section on absolute knowing. The book is itself a circle, the form Hegel attributes to the system as a whole. A theme that runs through the center of the preface is Hegel’s criticism of reflection and the understanding (Verstand) as capable of producing true philosophy and his characterization of speculation and reason (Vernunft) as the replacement for this inadequate form of philosophizing.

We find two sets of images in the preface. On the first page Hegel speaks of anatomy as being not a true science but only an “aggregate of information” (par. 1). Because it is a knowledge of only the parts of the body regarded as inanimate, we lack, in anatomy, a knowledge of the living body itself, of its principle of life. On the second page Hegel introduces the contrasting image of the bud of a plant producing a blossom that becomes a fruit. He characterizes this as an image of “organic unity” (par. 2) and as representing stages of necessity in the life of the whole.

Hegel says that the understanding schematizes experience, “a table of contents is all that it offers” (par. 53). The understanding, which proceeds through reflection on the object, produces, in thought, a world that is dead. All objects are fully categorized and rendered lifeless, labeled, like parts of a skeleton, or pigeon-holed, like boxes in a grocer’s stall. Reason, which proceeds speculatively, seeks out the principle of motion or life that is within the object, that makes the object, so to speak, what it is. Reflective understanding grasps the body as an anatomically ordered substance. Speculative reason goes within the body to its spirit to grasp its principle as a living subject.

The answer to this lies principally with Kant, with transcendental philosophy and critique. In his effort to answer David Hume and to secure, for the understanding, its own categories of experience, not derived from the senses, Kant forces himself to abandon reason. This causes Kant to formulate a very limited notion of experience, in which reason plays no role in the constitution of the object. Once one enters the world of critique there is no way out, no way to restore reason to its rightful place. Reason is sacrificed to reflection and to the trap of the transcendental.

How does Hegel move from the establPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


The question of language goes right to the core of Hegel’s notion of systematic science, of truth that actually takes place in the embrace between thought and being. If a language of science is one meant to convey objective truth, then Hegel’s singular take on science must imply a special grasp of both its language and objectivity. What sort of discourse can claim to express objective truth within an idea of science that sees itself as the systematic articulation of existing knowledge? To answer this question we must guard against importing epistemological and linguistic notions foreign to the Hegelian idea of objective truth, neither must we import notions of objectivity and discourse alien to his idea of science.

Failure to comprehensively understand the nature of Hegelian scientific language has allowed to go unchallenged a wide-spread misunderstanding regarding the nature of Hegelian objectivity. This misunderstanding can be bluntly summarized as follows: the world itself operates dialectically, obeying an inherently dialectical logic. Many who know something of Hegel will probably find nothing objectionable in this statement. In fact, it appears readily verifiable with regard to that part of worldly objectivity Hegel deals with on the Spirit side of his philosophy, for example the rise of consciousness and inter-subjective relations. Indeed, spirit, as human activity, can easily be said to reflect thought or "mind", which, as the Logics tell us, is inherently dialectical. And it is this objectivity or "second nature"i that most commentators are interested in. When the natural world itself is brought into consideration, however, there is some embarrassment. It is indeed hard to verify, for example, that cosmological phenomena and chemical reactions operate along strictly dialectical lines. Hegel's Philosophy of Nature therefore tends to be taken less seriously, or ignored.

However, even when the inherently dialectical nature of Hegelian objectivity is ascribed solely to the Spririt side of his philosophy, crucial (Kierkegaardian, Marxian) questions arise concerning the coherency of the entire philosophical endeavor. If objectivity itself operates dialectically, what is the status of the philosopher subject (i.e. Hegel)? Or, more precisely, what is the status of Hegel's scientific discourse? From where does it derive its own objectivity Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


>(Idealisation theory of science).

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Is the origin of monarchy just a hereditary military dictatorship? like did most begin with just some barbarian tribe conquering a settled city, becoming the new ruling class and then devolving into inbred god-kings?

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