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 No.1855[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Was the Meiji restoration and "restoring power to the emperor" a good or bad thing in 18th century Japan for the peasants? It marked the upper class revolution that caused the samurai feudal system to transition into a capitalist system. (Which ultimately turned into a racist imperialist empire that tried to invade and oppress all of its neighbors in Asia in a sort of fascist system, and as Japan lost the war the people starved and suffered greatly.)

I just found this photograph btw. Samurai didn't look nearly as impressive as I thought they would, and that hairdo is "objectively ugly."

There were a lot of peasant revolutions/movements that tried to go against the samurai but they all ultimately failed so no one except historians talk about them. Unfortunately too, the people who study Japanese history appear to be mostly weebs who romanticize the samurai so much that you never get to hear about the peasents' movements.
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>how Japan became an imperialist economy from its third-world origins

Isolationism during the Tokugawa Shogunate produced a powerful and independent urban bourgeoisie, and the mass importing of industrial equipment from Europe and America and mercantilist policies during the Meiji Era established soft power over mainland Asia
Kozo Uno kind of discusses it in this book, alongside the other big monopoly powers of the late 19th early 20th century


The book "War Without Mercy" by John Dower is a good source for Imperial Japan's views on race. Among other things they had their own racial classification system, similar but different from the ideology of the Nazis. It's why the considered Chinese and Koreans and other Asians as inferior to themselves.


>Japanese and European Accounts of Yasuke: African Samurai (弥助) // 16th cent. Primary Sources
In case the Embed dies


Why was Ohaguro a thing?


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At some point I need to upload these as mp4s, either directly here or through catbox or whatever. In the meantime I suggest seeing 2 videos related to the samurai by the youtube channel Voices of the Past

>1 - Mediocre Samurai Describes Real Life in Historical Japan

It really demonstrates the reality of samurai and the entire culture and society in Japan in that time, the vileness that drove Akira Kurosawa to make films like Seven Samurai.

>2 - Last Samurai Describes Final Days of Old Japan

An interesting glimpse into the material development and acceleration of late-Imperial Japan

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What should I read if I want to be a Maoist intellectual?

The only authors I've been suggested are Althusser and Badiou. Who else?
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That too.


all of Mao
Zhijiang Xinyu
Political Theology, Schmitt
Ho Chi Minh - Report On The National And Colonial Questions At The 5th International
Doctrine of the Mean
Nixon in China libretto


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Already knew this was going to be first post.
We need more obscure maoists!
I have seen books triying to rationalize their actions (and inactions) but being Pro, not even from them tbh.


Seconding this, just replace Gonzalo with Cockshott.
Also crazy this hasn't been linked yet (MLM library canon of ebooks, has hosted virtual conferences interviewing prominent Maoists internationally, check their youtube): https://foreignlanguages.press/


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David Harvey can't explain what value is. In his original lectures/book he totally fucks up the description. This leads him to start talking nonsense about "oxidizable money". Guy is a con artist, who gets his marks by flashing his academic credentials. Even though he's a geographer.
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Bitch, did you read anything after the first dot?


There's nothing marxist about talking of colonization when the whole world has already achieved a capitalist mode of production nor is simping for a country against another country just because they're poorer.


David Harvey is an economist, he calls himself a geographer because that's who employs him. Marxist economists get kicked out of economics departments, so they establish themselves in geography. There are lots of Marxist geographers, who are just economists that draw pretty maps of economic stuff from a Marxist lens.


a bad economist and an even worse marxist lol


read lenin retard

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And by contrast, unironically get along with, and would give their allegiance to, almost anyone as long as they aren't Taiwanese

>Europeans (Dutch and Spanish)

>Waishengren (Koxinga, KMT)


The reason Taiwanese Aboriginals today predominantly live in the highlands is that, when the Han Chinese settled Taiwan, they killed and expelled the ones in the lowlands. For hundreds of years, the Chinese in Taiwan killed Aboriginals. They even ate their flesh, believing it had medicinal properties: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%95%AA%E8%86%8F (use Google Translate). As you can imagine, this bred resentment among the Aboriginals, who therefore vote for the KMT against the Benshengren-dominated DPP.


Also why does this Ainu man look like a mixed Native American/Polynesiasn?


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some Taiwanese Aborigines weirdly look more caucasoid than typical east asians

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My party is going through line sturggle on the lgbtq question. i had read red fightbacks marxism and trangender liberation. i need this and more marxist bibliography on the question to help form a revolutionary line.
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put me in the screencap


> Like another anon said, insofar as there are children in need of legal guardians for natural reasons, then allowing queer couples and individuals to adopt is helpful to the problem. [no i dont have studies :,( ]
It's actually a much bigger deal than that (prepare to get mad when you learn this). As it happens, people seeking to adopt children (heterosexual couples primarily of course), one of the main factors in deciding to adopt is the desirability of "fashionability" if you will of the child in question. Prospective adopters are NOT SHY about telling agencies or the foster care system what kind of children they DO NOT WANT - disabled, nonwhite, "problem" behavior, history of trauma, etc. It's OVERWHELMINGLY the LGBT couples who are willing to adopt children in the "undesirable" category, presumably because, you know, we can relate.


>There is a reason why every single corporation support gay rights and BLM.
They do not. You made that up.
>They don't hurt profit. An united working class does.
Even assuming this is strictly true, that doesn't really say anything about what the socialist movement should have to say/do regarding LGBT people, or anything else for that matter. Being concerned with "hurting profit" isn't even really a socialist concern - what matters is fomenting and leveraging the conditions that will lead to proletarian revolution and an overturning of capitalism. "Hurting profit" is at most subordinate to that goal, and using it as a criterion to dismiss a group of people (who by the way tend to be on average a lot more radical than the typical worker) is an extreme vulgarization and stupid on its face. What an embarrassing thing to think, let alone post.


> Do we talk about "cancer patient liberation"?
yeah it's called health care


>Transgender is a term for a medical condition called body dysmorphia
It's called gender dysphoria, not body dysmorphia, those are distinct disorders with different symptoms and are classified differently in the DSM-5. To put it shortly, body dysmorphia is excessive worrying about someone's body and this may or may not coexist with gender dysphoria.
According to the DSM-5, body dysmorphia is classified under "Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders" while gender dysphoria is given it's own heading.
Please refer to the DSM-5 for more details.
>for which the best treatment we have now is gender re-assignment surgery
There is no "best treatment" for gender dysphoria, and SRS is not an appropriate treatment for all patient, in fact SRS is the last treatment that is offered to patients when all other treatment options fail:
<It is important to understand that, at reputable gender identity clinics, sex reassignment is not the first treatment offered to patients, but rather, it is the last. At the CAMH Gender Identity Clinic, for example, patients are required to live full-time as the opposite sex for two years before they are even considered eligible for surgery; our requirements further specify that patients must work, attend school, or perform bona fide charity work in the cross-gender role during this trial period, and that they must provide us with documentation proving they have done so. This requirement alone screens out the 80% of new referrals whose gender dysphoria is clearly not strong enough to merit sex reassignment, and gives the other 20% plenty of time to decide whether life in the cross-gender role is, in fact, a substantial improvement over life in their original gender role.
Source: http://individual.utoronto.ca/ray_blanchard/psychiatry_rounds.pdf

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 No.8151[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>Be Ernst Thälmann in the late 20s
>Leader of the KPD in Germany
>Get over 10% of the vote in 1928 (4th place)
>Get 13% (3rd place) but Hitler just came out of no where and got 18% (2nd place)
>It's obvious that Hitler is going to keep growing in power
>Hitler brags in speeches that he'll suppress every other party in the Reichstag once he wins
>He even wrote a book where he talks about bolshevism being the blood enemy of fascism
>Be Ernst Thälmann: massively popular, growing at a similar rate to Hitler, but don't know what to do
>Consult pre-1935 Comintern, guidelines only retards would follow (even Stalin admitted this later)
>"Whatever you do, don't make a coalition with the Social Democrats!" says Comintern
>Social Democrats are the only party bigger than the Nazis
>They are interested in forming a coalition with the KPD to beat Hitler
>"Nah, that sounds like social fascism to me"
>Thälmann decides to attack SD rather than Hitler
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Glowpedia source doesn't require refuting


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If he was a retard then why did the GDR make that cool ass movie about him with the great ending? Didn't think of that, did you OP, you faggot?


Source? Also, I'd like to learn how the transition from parliaments to soviets happened and how it work.


Ooooh boys I love this debate, this is the real heart of the thread. Too bad it's a short argument. These two lines indicate wildly diverging strategies going forward; on the one hand, independent working class institutions that must be based only on their own strength and able to weather the severe repression and reactionary climate they will engender, versus mixed class institutions with a working class mass base, the goal of which being the channeling of working class needs and desires, for immediate gains, including immediate control of the wider political climate, which they hope to keep mild. Isn't this basically THE political question of our time? (and also of a century ago…)

IMO it's wrong to say that the social democrats built up proletarian institutions; they were supported by unions, and they offered concessions which helped their mass base, but they were not interested in revolutionizing their members, or in actively building the infrastructure necessary for proletarian rule. They were more or less populists, drawing on a proletarian base, but a base of supporters rather than a base of members. The leashed left is ultimately on a deadline, because their politics won't be relevant forever. Eventually the compromise that undergirds them will fall apart, as they threaten bourgeois power. Either they threaten from a position of revolutionary proletarian power, independent institutions, or they do it from a position of bourgeois power, and that can simply be taken from them [and a third option, which they went with, was to try to maintain the concessions granted while not further antagonizing the bourgeoisie. This failed, and left both workers and bourgeoisie unsatisfied]. If the limp left chooses option one, they accelerate the freefall into violent repression. If they choose option two, they lifelessly allow it, but potentially spare themselves and let the communists, minorities, and international working class take the hit for them.

Ultimately I think we should look in the far opposite direction - rather than a wide class coalition betwPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


The KPD became politically useless after the 1923 insurrections failed and the Weimar Republic became more and more right wing and authoritarian. After that point, it was only natural for the Stalinists in the Comintern and idiots like Thalmann to take it over and steer the party in an increasingly wacky, revisionist direction. If they hadn't, then someone else would have.

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Reposting to /edu/

I want the best materialist theory/practice texts that have had more than ten people compose them. I may be mistaken, but all the big figurehead texts seem to be monographs or just 2 or 3 guys worked on them; please clear me up if Mao's and Lenin's big works weren't just by them. I don't care if these monographers backed their stuff up with loads of data and citations, I want commitees involved. I dont want anthologies either, i want it so that every block of text went through multiple changes by multiple people, if possible


P.s. By materialist i mean left like leftypol


some parties or orgs publish theses, these will have been worked on by multiple people before being agreed upon. That's where I'd look.

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 No.9906[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread dedicated to debunking western propaganda and information relating to the NATO encirclement of Russia, Ukrainian government's mistreatment of ethnic Russian minorities and support of fascist militias to do its bidding. Criticism of Russia and its occupation is welcomed aswell.
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great contributions to this thread. Thank you, anon.


Всегда пожалуйста!


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Long thread with links and info on the Euromaidan snipers:

>Wow! Unreported 1,000,000-word Maidan massacre trial verdict corroborates my academic studies by stating as its “categorical conclusion” that there were snipers shooting from Maidan-controlled Hotel Ukraina & that it cannot be ruled out that 8 protesters were killed & 20 wounded by “unknown persons,” who were not "law enforcement officers." This implies Maidan snipers since the verdict states that the trial disproved claims about presence of Russian snipers.

>The verdict also confirms my study findings that there is no evidence of order given by Yanukovych or his ministers to massacre Maidan protesters and that 4 police officers were killed & 39 wounded by Maidan-snipers. In addition to acquitting two Berkut policemen for killing and wounding protesters, it states that all accused Berkut members were baselessly blamed for killing 13 & wounding 29 Maidan protesters. As usual there are zero media reports.

>Prosecution, Maidan lawyers, media with some exceptions, self-proclaimed experts & propaganda peddlers denied shooting by snipers located in Maidan-controlled Hotel Ukraina & called it conspiracy theory.



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<Inside the PoW camp where Ukraine ‘re-educates’ Russians
>“I grew up in the Soviet Union so I feel that we are one country,” he said, sitting in the camp’s sick bay where he is recovering from a bullet wound in his arm.
>It is this neo-imperialist ideology, famously expounded by President Putin in a 7,000-word essay, that the camp authorities are trying to deprogramme from their charges before they are returned home.
>“Russians have been subjected to propaganda their whole lives,” said Petro Yatsenko, spokesman for Ukraine’s co-ordination headquarters for the treatment of PoWs, during a tour of the camp at an undisclosed location in western Ukraine. “It’s like trying to pull someone out of a religious sect.”
<To get from their living quarters to the canteen, prisoners must pass along an alleyway lined with photographs of figures from Ukraine’s past, such as Stepan Bandera, the divisive and controversial leader of the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) during and after the Second World War, and Taras Shevchenko, the 19th-century national bard.


It doesn't seem to be working either however, although I suppose it's preferable to prior Ukrainian treatment of POWs (torture, murder, etc.)


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I know their ilk all too well living in Alberta. This is interesting shit


Can there be a proletarian nationalist revolution according to Lenin? I've seen people argue that nationalism is reactionary and that it advocates for class-collaboration instead of workers revolution, since a nation is an abstract that includes all classes.
Also, did Lenin advocate for self-determination of nations? And in what context did he do so?


>Can there be a proletarian nationalist revolution
>according to lenin
if so then he'd be a revisionist
>I've seen people argue that nationalism is reactionary
it is
>and that it advocates for class-collaboration instead of workers revolution
not inherently, but even with that it'd be useless


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nationalism is gay. if you are a nationalist you like men and u are gay. you like pride parades, flags, butch dudes marching, and idpol and big manly leader to overpower u. thats gay. GAAAAY. u are a faggot OP.


I agree!

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I recently came across a heritage post about a castle in Lebanon built by the Crusaders, It got me curios and I did some digging and I was surprised to learn that pretty much all castles in the MENA countries were either built by the Crusaders or the later Ottomans.
So I have to ask, what gives? The Arabs were a smart people and castles and fortresses are a fairly useful resource for defeating cavalry forces. Even outside large scale war sand politics, in small petty tribal warfare, they would have been incredibly useful, that's why they appeared so much in Europe and why did the Ottomans adopt them more thoroughly then the Arabs.
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the middle east had kasbahs, citadels that included a palace, which are similar
castles are just a specific style of military fortification specific to medieval western europe
they probably came about from decentralization of feudal polities and a need to project noble power in the provinces


Then why did the Ottomans build them.


Arabs are plenty capable of building stone forts(they most likely built great Zimbabwe). they just don't build castles that much.


did they? i would assume common influence from byzantine architecture that both western europe and the ottoman empire had

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