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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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 No.6724[View All]

This thread is only for feedback related to technical issues (bug reports, suggestions). Otherwise use /meta/.
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If you have any grievances you can make a PR.

Mobile Support:
Thread For Mobile Feedback: >>>/tech/6316

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Matrix rooms:

We are currently working on improvements to the site, subject to the need of the tech team to sleep and go to their day jobs. If you need more immediate feedback please join the matrix room[s] and ask around. Feel free to leave comments, concerns, and suggestions about the tech side of the site here and we will try to get to it as soon as possible

Archived thread:
472 posts and 103 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Say /tech/ dev team, would it possible for the site to be able to run flash? I know that browsers do not support it any more and its "outdated" and shit, but a lot of older materials are primarily .swf files which I can neither upload, nor open functionally on the site which is unfortunate given the myriad of old school content flash files may have.


I honestly loathe cloudflare because it makes the site slow as fuck, and makes using it on low wifi or in poor areas very hard, since it loads forever, then the captcha doesn't read. It's like 2010s 8chan post captcha all over again.


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Not sure if this is a mod question or a /tech/ question so I'm reposting it in both
Say mods, why are so many of the image files and video files in >>>/leftypol_archive/ and dead or gone? Like they're not deleted by mods, they just no longer exist. There's so many .webms that are non functional it's not even funny and the number of threads missing all of the images in them is annoying as hell. It's Desuarchive's filedeaths all over again.

Just as an example https://leftypol.org/leftypol_archive/res/489758.html has all images dead. Why and how? Or the /edu/ checkpoint thread


has yt-dlp been replaced?
Why do I get "[download] Got error: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden. Retrying fragment 01 (1/10)…" all the time for youtube videos now?


This is for technical issues with leftypol.org, for your question try >>1280 or maybe >>18877. By the way, it works on my machine.


Sorry, thought I was in the QTDDTOT




isn't /sfw/ just supposed to filter spoilered threads? /siberia/ doesn't seem to be showing up at all on there.


/sfw/ lists all the safe-for-work boards, which afaik is all boards except /siberia/


archive.is is down for me with this nginx garbage replacing it in all browsers except Tor. Can someone give me an assist here?


Keep getting errors when I try to post only for the post to post just fine after refreshing the page, even though I opened te page like a minute before posting. I can't even tell what the objective problem is


I think I know what you're talking about. Sometimes it happens. Unfortunately, debugging that would be a pain in the ass and unlikely to produce anything of value. Are you using a VPN? If so, try clearing your cookies and switching IP.


So is there a reason why I can't embed certian youtube links? like for example I cant embed this


But I can embed this one


But they both go and go to the same video, this first one I coped off of YouTube's share feature and the second one I just directly copied from the browser.


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I can't answer this but the ?si=U42ECuZj_eus4Z82 part is used for tracking, you should always remove it. Ideally the software still should accept it, idk why it won't.


Vichan uses a regex string for processing it, in a rush right now so can't find it in the repo for you, but it will only accept a certain list of YouTube URL formats. It's shitware, through and through.


Can you stop banning Tor users because of some chinlet derailing the thread? Holy macaronie.


I'm spending too much time on other sus tech chans because they seem to have tech nuggets
closer to my level. Something like a left /g/ clone should exist imo. btw, lurking obsessively and posting occasionally here for a year on /leftypol/ crystalized and reinforced my politics to the point of activity the last couple of months. o7.


>Something like a left /g/ clone should exist imo.
You could always host a picochan instance over tor. It's dead simple and appropriate for the type of poster.


Onionsite Not Found

Details: 0xF0 — The requested onion service descriptor can't be found on the hashring and therefore the service is not reachable by the client.


Works 4 me. This was posted through onion.


>not using the onion site
Why are you on the Internet?


Anon, the tor network is still part of the internet, it's not a seperate thing.


Yes but it's clear anon doesn't use the Tor Browser. And onion mirrors mix up all the traffic, increase the length of a circuit and protect you from your Tor node getting permabanned so not using onion mirrors when they're available is just weird.


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the booru certificate has expired


the overboard catalog isnt updating?


Glad to hear. I hope you post more on tech then. Spread the word about leftypol.
Booru is its own website. You can reach the staff by their forum. They're slow to respond though, like a few weeks sometimes.
Maybe a hiccup, saw this post on the overboard.


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/overboard/ works as it should but /overboard/catalog isn't updating for me. tried on several devices
same with the sfw and alt catalog
the catalogs for the individual boards work like normal
pic is what the overboard catalog looks like for me


Why can't Tor users post images anymore? It doesn't really stop spammers or reactionaries from posting here. I don't get the logic behind it much. It's not a good solution to spam or troublemakers but it also affects the users who dindu nuffin.


I'm a tor user and down with it if it slows a torrent of shit. Yeah, it's a pain not being able to attach files sometimes.


The RSS feeds using relative links seems to break certain browser-based RSS readers, namely fraidycat. It tries to go to that link relative to the page the link is on.


It was brought to my attention that https://boards.plus4chan.org/baw/ was having a Red Alert Day for April Fools and it was rather well done with musical theme an interactive musical background with the Red Alert Theme and moving Zepplins, and different Red Alert cut-scene video clips when you clicked Reply.
I was thinking it would be fucking metal as hell if the dev team took a look at this, maybe replicate it. We're leftypol and honestly the whole Red Alert aesthetic would be fun to have as a CSS option.


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What's with the new "Uploading files in incognito mode is not allowed." in some browsers?
I just want to shitpost and upload funny images. What are they up to now?


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>Quad 4s


If you use incognito mode you give the website less valuable data.


That's the point yes, doesn't answer their question tho


Anyone have advice for converting .swf to mp4 or webm? I have 2 swf files that obstinately fail to convert because of a frame error.

For example these files


I suppose you already tried ffmpeg?


use gnash and a screen recorder


I'll give these a shot, didn't know about them thanks.


Also Zankaria, as the most active Dev-Mod can you please take a look at >>>/meta/31895
Thank you very kindly.


I am already on it and off it.
I have my hands quite full, and that slipped in the lower priority list.
With that said I finally managed to deploy a feature that had been stuck in a limbo for the past month


the top bar on dark bunker is the wrong color now, pls nerf


It also seems to disappear after posting??


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wtf was this? and they did it twice. is this hindi? lorem impsum?


Spam. Unfortunately Gitea really lacks good moderation tools.
I was thinking of turning off registrations, but I have no channel set up to accept legit newcomers


I'm having a weird issue where the top bar just disappears at times if I scroll up or down, and threads randomly require a refresh even if I just opened them a minute before.


Mate, if you need any help figuring out the backup system or anything else, need credentials for gitea or whatever let pask know and he'll tell me.



You have have the "Unpin the top and bottom bars" option checked


I don't have that checked but they keep disappearing.

Unique IPs: 22

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