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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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This is why I don't trust nerds. Computer systems have become too complex and nobody actually knows, whats happening under the hood. When nerds say: "Bro, it's totally secure! Trust me!" Don't trust them! Don't trust computers! I have no clue how I will organize my life in the future, but I tell you this much, I will try to rely as less as possible on computers.




>Dude, if you think there is a backdoor, you can check the 27 million lines of code in the kernel! Totally easy!


Just use seL4.


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yes. do you really believe git pushes for updates are made anonymously, especially at the kernel level? the xz backdoor was a nation-state effort, took years of social manipulation, and was foiled by a single autist. written on arch btw


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There are no pushes in kernel development. You send emails and that can be done anonymous.


>line count
How long do you think one line is? It's not like a novel.
>Computer systems have become too complex
You need to learn about them to simplify them.
>and nobody actually knows,
People specialize in knowing about individual components and how they interact with other components, often learning about multiple to more finely understand those interactions.
This criticism would apply to any logistics chain too, computerized or not.
>I will try to rely as less as possible on computers.
That is a common trait among computer nerds, ever heard of the one about the shotgun and the fax machine?


Peasant, shut your dumb mouth.
Sensei, how will a mid-level flailer do this?


The difference between normies and nerds: Normies know, that they don't understand computers. Nerds BELIEVE, that they understand computers.


I'm in the lucky situation, that I don't need a computer and I don't even need a smartphone. The only device I own is a Windowsphone, which is very limited. And you know what? I don't care! This is my computer! I don't need to watch Youtube, I don't need online banking, I don't need whatever! What even is the point of having a computer, beside reading and shitposting on leftypol? I can't open Pdfs, I can't open epub. Well guess what, the internet is so huge, I just read something different then. Even if Microshit would now brick my device, I wouldn't care. All my valuable things are physical or saved in mind. Years ago, I was thinking different about my "digital identity". No, I don't even have a email adress since 2 years. I will never again be a computercuck and the last days have strengthend my belief. The penguin is dead, there is now no way back. Your computer is holding you in hostage, it is controlling you.



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You are doing it backwards. I feel like computers should primarily be used for work as originally intended. The internet is the part you should do away with. I really want to stop using the internet for socializing altogether but I keep giving in to my addiction.


Good point and I understand where you are coming from. There are two types of computing: Computing for the sake of computing and computing to reach a specific goal. In your case, offgrid computing might be the right solution, but in my case, it makes no sense.


I'd like to believe all those dozens if not hundreds eyes overseeing the kernel over the decades checking for clean and proper code would prevent any backdoor from making it to upstream.
Also this is why you don't update your system all the time.


It's like a huge Mexican standoff among glowies, each trying to get in their own backdoors while keeping the others away.


i feel like this is irrelevant considering backdoors are baked in at a hardware level in most consumer products


You mean inside CPUs? Yeah, I read this claim already on 4chan, but I'm not sure how real this actually is.


>Also this is why you don't update your system all the time.
I'm considering moving to Void which uses a "stable rolling-release" model.

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