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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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>A lawsuit revealed that Facebook has reportedly sold all of its users' private messages to Netflix for $100 million


reminder that there's actually people who organize lefty orgs on fedbook


this has been an open secret since the first social media platform was shat out
you do not use these platforms for serious stuff unless you're a dumbass


How is this legal?




well netflix will recommend them some hecking lefty content for them to entertain themselves, i say it's a good deal for everyone involved as far as i can see


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And people wonder why opsec is important.


Way waaaay more egregious is this story. Facebook should have been shut down at this point and Zuckerberg should be in jail for cybercrimes at least, if not other crimes. It is absolutely baffling how bad this is.

In 2016, Facebook launched a secret project designed to intercept and decrypt the network traffic between people using Snapchat’s app and its servers. The goal was to understand users’ behavior and help Facebook compete with Snapchat, according to newly unsealed court documents. Facebook called this “Project Ghostbusters,” in a clear reference to Snapchat’s ghost-like logo.

On Tuesday, a federal court in California released new documents discovered as part of the class action lawsuit between consumers and Meta, Facebook’s parent company.

The newly released documents reveal how Meta tried to gain a competitive advantage over its competitors, including Snapchat and later Amazon and YouTube, by analyzing the network traffic of how its users were interacting with Meta’s competitors. Given these apps’ use of encryption, Facebook needed to develop special technology to get around it.

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