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/music/ - Music

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 No.966[View All]

fellow zoomers get ITT. I'm making this thread for myself, since it's all I listen to these days. don't hesitate to recommend shit you like. it does not necessarily have to contain rap. anything in the area of trip hop, downtempo, lo-fi, chopped and screwed, gorillaz. you get the idea

some artists:
Knxwledge is a former soundcloud producer. he's the founder of the sound that YouTube calls "lo-fi hip hop" these days.
Mach Hommy, my current favorite rapper. possibly the greatest rapper of all time. just released a great album called Fete Des Morts.
MIKE. rapper and producer. makes a LOT of music which is mostly him rapping over his own beats.

some songs:

blessings. many many blessings.
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Hold up some of yall have great taste


I need skunk



This was 90210 slowed and reverbed iirc


Exodia/Sienna Sleep/Team Mekano need to make a sextrance remix of this


I don't know what that means







Push Up Ya Lighter · The Roots








A Tribe Called Quest - The Pressure







Cypress Hill - Funk Freakers



so within the broader milieu of hexxd/surge/whatever fuck people are calling it now people started making banger ass trance tracks with clapped ass hexxd production. at first I saw people calling it hexdtrance or vyvannse trance but it looks like sextrance is what stuck cuz haha funny pun.

heres a track from each



>Sienna Sleep


>Team Mekano


worth noting Team Mekano arent a perfect example of sextrance and are kinda of their own wave







bumpathan the benjamin









Oh damn I was reading OP's writeup with Mach-Hommy's latest record being listed as Fete Des Morts and I realized this thread is nearly 3 years old and still going. Shit this site needs to blow up.

Also coincidentally, MIKE and Mach-Hommy are comfortably seated as 2 of my top 5 alltime so that's neat




Nice to see this thread is still up
Yes it was




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