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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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Post em if you got em



and the sequel


Alberich - NATO uniformen

(must listen 10/10)






chant to allah



Bad Faith Actor - Advent of Nihil



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decided I would get back into Die Form today


fuck yeah L.O.T.I.O.N. is the shit


personal faves too, glad to see other fans here


Desert E is my favorite from that album but this might be my second fave if only for how fucking based it is to straight up advocate for decapitating all cops.


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fuck NATO













brainbombs - drive around






not your typical industrial music but Foetus tends to be associated with it I guess. been listening to them lately

your taste is impeccable anon






Caught them recently. This is my element when it comes to live music.



mind.in.a.box released a new album. I've always liked this Austrian project a lot as a mix of gothic electro-industrial and chiptune music. The project's leader, Stefan Poiss, has a libertarian anti-vaxx / conspiracist worldview which I don't like, and this shines heavily through on this album, but nevertheless I like it for his talent and intensity of vision, although I can't help but want to believe in this vision of a scientific regime that makes you get the vaxx but unironically. Well anyways



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Dominick "The Parents Did It" Fernow


Flesh Field is an obscure group that wasn't very polished. They released an album last year, but this one from 20 years ago is very turn-of-the-century industrial with warts and all – but very creative. The vocals are like George Michael meets NIN.




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