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Why do boomers revere this guy as if he was the third coming of Jesus Christ?


Probably the massive availability of acid and other psychedelic substances that followed the band.
For what it's worth, if I ever got fucked up enough to tolerate their music, I was too fucked up to listen to music.


Why do some people hate them so much?



because they are easy to goof on and were kind of like the burning man of their day where rich kids would become flower children for a few hours listening to their favorite boomer jams. jerry garcia's ethos is quite known and it was very laissez faire towards everything in typical hippy fashion so it meant drugs were always round even if there were kids backstage (roadies and groupies brought families). deadheads as a whole come from all kinds of political backgrounds but generally are individualistic and view themselves as "free" or whatever from the "system" no matter what their politics is. very libertarian friendly in a way.

if you can put aside the cringy cultural stuff around it and deadhead culture, the music itself is incredible and as musicians they absolutely would kill it when on top of their game, but playing for 30 years every night people also hear their worst. once you listen and understand the band, the deadhead culture makes more sense. this video convinced me they were a good band https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luAqu8VX5wo


Where will I get my daily Grateful Dead now that the Internet Archive has been murdered by publishers?


Their live music was great from pre-1980.


Is this song really anti-union? Were they anti-union?


the old fashioned way, let's all follow jam bands around


being personally removed from deadhead culture (not a burger nor born during there height) i think they are pretty good.

they are up there as some of the better bands from the 60's/70s.




I consumed all sorts of boomer rock yet I never fucking heard a single song from the Grateful Dead, and at this point I feel like I'm trying to finish a world record
I don't even know anything about them



Listen to the stage announcements after Slipknot! lmao

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