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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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I created three versions of the same melody. Which one is the best and how and what would you change if anything.

For context, I envision this to be a part of a Touhou-style soundtrack.


You're the artist so its up to you. When you're new to making any kind of art, quantity>quality. I can't remember the exact saying but its the art equivalent of "we must learn to walk before we can run"
theres not much distinguishing them from eachothers so its hard to pick honestly, why not use all three at different parts of the song. IDK what a touhou is thoughever


>the art equivalent of "we must learn to walk before we can run"
I wanna say its something like "you have to make a thousand doodles before you can make a masterpiece" but idk, same idea

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