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Lil Yachty put out a psychedelic rock album


This track sounds like DSOTM w/ autotuned vox.
Idk how I feel tbh. Like a bunch of it actually sounds good and kind of interesting, but it also feels like… IDK there's a studio of like 50 people who were apparently involved in writing, producing, guesting, "A&R Coordination," etc. Like it sounds slick, and not in a way I totally hate, but also it ought to sound slick with that many cooks. Then they just have a robot do the cover and it's a bunch of guys in suits.

I have a feeling this is intended to feel kind of uncanny, but you know… dunno if I'm gonna listen to the rest. It sounds like it would be good if I liked it more.


Sounds more like psychedelic indie rock with some mumble rapping and R&B elements

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