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>Rutracker is down
It's so beyond over piracybros…


it was already over thanks to denuvo


If you love rutracker so much why don't you go ahead and torrent it


The state maybe an adaptive collective that will do everything to protect capital, but the workers are also an adaptive collective.

There will be another Rutracker, or something to continue its legacy

Why don't you delete all the child porn in your folders Fbi-kunt


I could still use it 2 days ago :/
>There will be another Rutracker
It wont have the database of rutacker tho, which is the biggest loss. I truly hope rutracker aint over


Why did you make this shitty, memey, two-sentence OP via the format of your incel classcuck fetish you disgusting freak


Rutracker sucked anyhow, it stopped having any new releases and they started forcing people to sign up to use the search function sometime ago (could bypass it by using "site:rutracker.org X" in DDG)

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