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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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I fucking hate this song growing up and I never could figure out why. Now that I have grown up, I understand why I hate it.

This song is suppose to be this extremely innocent and cutesy song, but it's such a high level of innocence and happiness that the only way to achieve it is to have a full grasp of the other side of the coin.

To state this in another way, this song can only be written by a child rapist.

To go further on: it's a song reaching out for the past, one of the whitest sounding song, crying back to going back to the past. What other analysis is there other than the it being a cry out for a white ethnostate? I swear at 1:15 I can literally hear the power point presentation of why we need to kill the "monkeys".




>One woman said Franklin would talk about orgies he had over the weekend. Another woman, supported by a third, claimed that Franklin had his assistant request that all the writers come to his mansion and they were reminded multiple times to bring their bikinis. Franklin was also said to have complained about having to hire directors who were women or people of color, expressing preference for male writers, apologizing to his staff for not dating Jewish women, describing female directors as “all the same” and making sexualized comments.

>“She is probably going to be pregnant next season,” Franklin was attributed as saying on one occasion. “I wish I could make all the women on my staff get hysterectomies.”

>“She’s one nose job away from a good fuck” went another alleged comment about one of the underage girls.


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