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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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Post 2000s or late 90s music







I'm just posting this 2001 song for the video


I grew up on their music, love them


NSYNC is unironically amazingaccelerationAcceleration


Also every DJ Mustard songaccelerationAcceleration


This is the best mu threadaccelerationAcceleration


why are songs with women dancing the best


This holds up surprisingly well.


They really are.







peep the early VICE sticker stuck to the guys moped btw


still slaps





I like normie dance music from the turn of the millennium. Call it frat-tronica or TRLcore. Does anyone else remember MTV Bikini Morning?















Loved when pop singers did collabs with DJs. Another point in favor of fratronica



forgotten britpop



anyone remember Roswell?



or Dawson's Creek?

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