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"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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is jazz bourgeois
is old classical bourgeois
is modern classical bourgeois
is noise music bourgeois
are hyper obscure, super sophisticated sub-genres of otherwise popular types of music (hiphop, rock, metal) bourgeois


I would only say the canon of classical music is Borg but the genre isn't inherently.


> Of Marx and his circle Bakunin wrote to his friend Herwegh:
< The German workers, Bornstadt, Marx, Engels — especially Marx — poison the atmosphere. Vanity, malevolence, gossip, pretentiousness and boasting in theory and cowardice in practice. Dissertations about life, action, and feeling — and complete absence of life, action, and feeling — and complete absence of life. Disgusting flattery of the more advanced workers — and empty talk. According to them, Feuerbach is a “bourgeois,” and the epithet BOURGEOIS! is shouted ad nauseam by people who are from head to foot more bourgeois than anyone in a provincial city — in short, foolishness and lies, lies and foolishness. In such an atmosphere no one can breathe freely.


Bakunin the disgusting corpulent racist retired to a feudal estate bought by his aristocrat friends after he led workers into failed, pointless revolutions [https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1873/bakunin/index.htm] meanwhile Marx lived in a slum for most of his life while constantly struggling to make rent


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He mad


lol these threads were the every day threads a while back.
Is coffee bourgeois?
>[bourgeois ranting noises]
oh ohhh


All media is proletarian if you get it 4 free


I went to see Wagner and it was epic, I really enjoyed it, and would recommend it, but the crowd was funny because there were actual haute bourgeoisie there, half of them looked like Mr. Burns and were just about to keel over dead. Just all the evil rich Republican people in this city were there in their Sunday best, not the "populists" with no class, but the shadowy creeps who own industries and pull the strings behind the curtain. Like actual old money.

But it was a great opera. I don't see what's so bourgeois about the art form itself. Lunacharsky, the Soviet minister of culture in the 20s-30s, was a big Wagner geek. He was gay for Wagner and they performed his operas there. After the concert, the opera singers did a smaller Q&A with some of the people who stayed behind (actual opera fans), and this one guy who just travels around the world attending operas got up and went on a long spiel about how to make opera more appealing to the masses, and he had some suggestion about making it easier for fans to interact with the singers backstage, but one of the performers who played Alberich, who was also a redneck dude from one of those redneck small towns in the state, made a point that nobody up there gives a fuck what you wear to the opera.

Like you can wear pajamas, they don't care. They just like the art form. They seemed like really cool people. I think that reputation of it being a hoity-toity thing is really because of these rich people who, as much as they appreciate it with their money, go in part to show off to their friends. The people who actually stuck around afterwards for the Q&A with these people were not dressed as fancily.

He also made a quick point that they don't mind people coming up to them after the show, or hanging out backstage, but they do have security for a reason, because of something like "opera houses are not actually safe, you don't know how bad something can go until it happens." He didn't elaborate, but I imagine some lunatic opera fanatic stalking some performer or a LaRouche cult member going ballistic because they didn't do it with Verdi tuning.


Wait are LaRouchites actually responsible for the 432 Hz meme lol
They're behind so much crackpot stuff it's unbelievable


At most petit-bourgeoisie. Actual bourgeoisie dont give a shit.


no art form is inherently bourgeois, or remains such for time immemorial. things may start boug, but can become co-opted. realistically art in general are just frames through which any number of ideas or feelings can be portrayed. i'd refer you to that classic zizek bit on Ode to Joy.

anyway it cant be boug because i like jazz and calling something boug is bad, but jazz is good and i like it, ergo not bourgeois

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