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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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Post the first song you remember to have listened in your life.



Impossible to know for sure, only became interested in music at around 11, even then my memory is muddy.

But I remember Cypress Hill had a big impression, even if it was mostly because
>lmao dude WEED xDD
or the profanity.


Had a tape of burger folk songs and this was the one I have the earliest memory of. IDK which version/singer was on the tape.



could've been this as well
If picking show theme songs is cheating then its probably David Wilcox's do the bearcat


>only became interested in music at around 11
Same. When I played geometry dash I kinda liked clutterfunk, so I went to the newgrounds page of waterflame and audiorel was the song on top of the audio page. Then i made 5-9 track playlists from newgrounds songs for the next few years.


Fuck I forgot about kid shows. Then it is this and Code Lyoko.


When I was like 5 or 6 or something my dad gave me a cheap ass mp3 player that had this song on it. Been a Sabbath fan ever since.


I can clearly remember this song playing while me and my family were at a 4th of July fireworks display sometime in the mid 90's.



Appropriate, I guess.

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