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Have you ever played a fretless bass? If so, how what it? Do you like the "mwah" sound of it? Is it worth getting one? Who is your favorite fretless bass player? Mick Karn is the best for me personally (>inb4 Jaco).
I kinda want to buy one because you can be more free tonally like in vid related, but I'm afraid I wouldn't like it that much after the purchase because the "mwah" is a bit memey if you aren't a skilled player, and I also probably won't be able to play this while drunk, so I guess I should try to find a normal good-quality P/J bass instead so I can play with friends. Still a neat way to play bass if you aren't constrained by money.


Embedding error.
Here is TV footage of Mick Karn when he was in Japan, the band who has an album cover with a nerd eating rice in front of a Mao poster, Tin Drum, great album btw.


actually though the non funk parts sounded way better


i dont like frets because it triggers me


Holy shit that looks cool


Embedding error.
>Still a neat way to play bass if you aren't constrained by money
You can just remove the frets from a normal bass


I'm a beginner at the standard p-bass, but the fretless always interested me.

I never really liked the "bwah" or "mwah" sound though, or maybe it's more those slides in the OP video that I'm not a fan of. I like the sound of a controlled, tight fretless like a Jaco, something that really does translate the upright sound to the electric bass.


You can use nylon strings

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