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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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As a black man, I find soft rock to be far more romantic than urban R&B.

I find early urban R&B (1984-1994) to be too flirty and/or too preachy.

Soft rock, the instrumentation is all organic. You can hear the soft earthy tones of the acoustic guitar along side the electric guitar with the piano and woodwind instruments playing alongside in the background. It's soft and sweet while being equally potent.
The lyrics are sincere and humble but never sycophantic

It's an official AU that I am a 1970s soft rock/R&B/jazz fusion musician with an ensemble.
One of my albums is gonna be a literal symphonic suite with a twist of jazz, rock and funk.

My dream band will have a
acoustic guitar
electric guitar
acoustic piano
electric piano,
combo organ
Saxophone (x 2)
Trumpet (X 2)
Clarinet (x 2)
Recorder(X 2)
Cello (X 2)
Violin (X 2)
Tambourine (X 2)
Maracas (X 4)


RnB better than soft rock.


Classic R&B, not that early urban shit.


>As a black man, I find soft rock to be far more romantic than urban R&B.
They are both blues-based. As such, there are a number of theoretical similarities between them.
>My dream band will have
I don't think even Parliament-Funkadellic had that many instruments.


I like some songs from that era.





>They are both blues-based. As such, there are a number of theoretical similarities between them.

Ya I know that.
But the rhythm of soft rock feels a little different even though it uses same tempo
The lyrics are more humble and sincere but never groveling.
Urban R&B is flirtatious and pompous and very simpish.
The flow feels different. The percussion, the use of keyboard and guitar
And the vocals.

Even though black Americans are known for melisma in their contemporary R&B, I find it annoying.
I prefer the harmony vocals in soft rock.

>I don't think even Parliament-Funkadellic had that many instruments.

George Clinton only had a horn section. At max, he had twelve instruments and about a few more backup singers.

And I did say I wanted my dream band to be more big band ensemble.

Imagine me playing at Ray's Boom Boom Room.
Gotta make sure the warden is dead asleep.


Recommend me some soft rock. Do you like James Taylor?


Seals & Crofts
Crosby, Stills, &Nash
Beach Boys
Grateful Dead


I like ELO a lot and Seals and Crofts somewhat.


im into prog but this is pretty soft for me


Some of the newer R&B stuff is good though


Something about this new Billie Eyelash/Lanna Del Rey/Olivia Rodrigo whisper singing just doesn't do it for me. Stop breathing on the fucking mic.


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I figured out what I'm gonna call this style from now on. ASMR singing.


>Stop breathing on the fucking mic.
Wonder if that turns people on.


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OP was written by this guy


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No. Always turn away from the mic to breathe in.


That's why you notice in concert videos, the musicians always step down from the mic during a lyrical break.
I like the mannerisms of 70s musicians.


White boy R&B


>Be black
>Be uninterested in the music people tell you to enjoy because of your race
I know that feel


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>As a black man


Black people, especially black men have a harder time being seen as individuals.
We are the most pressured to conform to ethnic stereotypes. It's not just the thugging.
It's also the verbal extroversion.
And the urban R&B.
And the alleged sexual prowess.

I enjoy classic R&B and funk and reggae but not so much the urban R&B


>As a black man
What the fuck does color have to do with music tastes you utter burger


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Funk is awesome,and that's coming from a metalhead. I love that groove. A person can't listen to Parliament-Funkadellic and not have a good time.
He's not spooked. Everyone who says that he shouldn't like soft rock is.


Nah it's because burgers had no culture until barely a century ago so different people had to form their identity around whatever was available and that was R&B at the time and then hip-hop
Similar to how burger crackers larp as EVROPEAN and think every single thing Europe or "da west" did had to do with them as a group

It's like a teenage phase


You're wrong. America has culture. Just because we're all mixed and barely three centuries old doesn't mean we don't have culture.
Yea, I know that cheeseburgers and hotdogs and coke and guns have been oversold.
It's just that people are too obsessed with trying to identify with their phenotype.

But if America has no culture, then neither does England. They're a nation of mutts forged from barbarian seafarers. They have shitty cuisine. And the current form of English language was adapted from Germanic.

Also, no, it's not a teen phase. I liken it more to gender dysphoria, but with ethnicity instead.


OP here.
Forgot to add: drums, electric bass, and vocals (ranging from tenor to baritone).
And last but not least, lots of effect panels for everyone


I'm not sure I follow the thesis entirely, but I'll agree that '80s-'90s r&b is some of the most incredibly boring music ever. Soft rock's not that far behind, though.


Nothing is more romantic than romantic-leaning powermetal. Its rare, but when its there, its the best there is.


The mid/high tempo wasn't bad. I love the harmony vocals too

RIP Jim Seals from Seals & Crofts. He died Monday.

Yea, urban R&B after 1994 is good.
Prime example would be Andre 3000 in his Love Below album.


Maybe heavy metal should do more love ballads then?
That would be interesting.
Also, is there any heavy metal that doesn't rely too much on electric guitar?
I hear heavy metal uses rhythmic prose from classical.

Fair point.


My brother thank you for shouting out a solid BB record

Personally though, I like Wild Honey's Country Air more than most of the songs on friends



>As a black man
This is an identitarian self reference, you should never do this, it's super toxic.
You are just talking about your personal music tastes, you are not representing a group of people.
This type of behavior is bad because it can lead to stereotyping.

it also runs counter to the intentions behind pseudonymity of image boards, you are supposed to not give any details about yourself so that you can talk to people without assumptions or prejudices getting in the way.



That's ironic, considering imageboards are the biggest identiarian faggots.
Especially with the hatred for "normies".
Or the constant hatred of new material and newer generations.
I've never seen a more toxic set of people. And they say FaceBook, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter are bad.
Hell yeah. The Beach Boys are the most dismissed rock bands just because of their early material about surfing.


Based Beach Boys fan. I also like "Sunshine Pop" from the late 60s/70s– the perfect antidote to forced Gen-X edginess.


aesthetically theyre dismissed by some (which is usually more less subjective) but pet sounds is considered to be a pioneer in music production


>As a black man
Okay, benefit of the doubt, are we supposed to like music from our own race a little more or what? I grew up W with B best friend from birth and so hard all kinds of music from early on. One seems softer and more nuanced/abstract and the other, frankly, way more romantic / sexual and seductive. But, there's more than enough overlap to make no mind. <3


>the perfect antidote to forced Gen-X edginess.

It's a shame that most of our pop culture has been forced edginess since the mid-80s. Then, by the late-2000s, most of it also got infected by social awkwardness culture.

I cannot stand to watch alot of post-2005 TV because it's mostly edgy awkward manchildren making the dumbest assumptions/actions about everything.

Any one showing any bit of assertiveness/indifference is painted as edgy.

Gen X and Millennials fucked up TV and movies. They do make alot of good online original content though.


Yep, pretend-wholesome nerd shit is just as fake and stupid as pretend-tough macho shit. I'm not worried though, emotional realness will always win out in the end.

more sunshine pop!


>I cannot stand to watch alot of post-2005 TV because it's mostly edgy awkward manchildren making the dumbest assumptions/actions about everything.
I couldn't watch it at the time. I've always hated mumblecore.


good morning, leftypol


Hello, leftypol… and happy solstice!


Still better than today's diet-coke entertainment. Edgyness had a potential for greatness and style and gave us both Burnout and Devil May Cry, as well as lots of cool metal music. Edgyness always gets the most flack and ridicule because of its assumed immaturity. It seems more like an attempt to murder it in the public consciousness, make people guilty by association. Edgyness does not make one immature. Neither does it make one mature. But only a mature person can embrace edgyness without the fear of ridicule because they enjoy it. We always try to appear mature to others for the same reasons teenagers want to appear mature by being edgy. So we negate teenagers in this way. Or perhaps it's teenagers negating teenagers, thinking that not being edgy is the sign of maturity.


Thanks for proving my point.
>At least it's better than today!

Umm, edginess is the status quo of today.

>But only a mature person can embrace edgyness without the fear of ridicule because they enjoy it. We always try to appear mature to others for the same reasons teenagers want to appear mature by being edgy. So we negate teenagers in this way. Or perhaps it's teenagers negating teenagers, thinking that not being edgy is the sign of maturity.

It goes to show that hebephobia is truly projection.
All our whining about teens is absurd considering that most of our pop culture is just pretentious manchildren gatekeeping the arts.
God forbid that girls and teens and old people enjoy it.

Imageboard users claim to be more honest enlightened beings but they all act like the "underages/normies" they claim to hate.


Good afternoon, leftypol. Time for some sunshine pop from ČSSR


A lot of it has to do with Mike Love positioning them as "America's Band" in the 80s.

>The Beach Boys are the most dismissed rock bands just because of their early material about surfing.

I agree in my heart that they deserve more recognition, but my head knows it's kind of deserved since their catalog swings wildly in quality after Pet Sounds lol

At the very least, Sunflower, Holland, and Love You deserve some reappraisal and rediscovery, as well as Pacific Ocean Blue.

(As an aside, Brian is still somehow the king of hooks even with his most recent material.)


Soft rock and Rand B are supposed to be romantic?


That's why the best bands never last more than ten years.
They've already evolved and said what they needed to say.


It's the implication, but yea I see your point.

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