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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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>inb4 Molshit Doma or DeathMetal#2546
I'm talking about real intensely raw, on the verge songs that makes you feel like picrel

Trying to attain a feel here more than a genre but you get the idea


File: 1629676370099-0.jpg (297.31 KB, 2000x1125, freedom fighter.jpg)

Rocket engines burning fuel so fast
Up into the night sky they blast
Through the universe the engines whine
Could it be the end of man and time?
Back on earth the flame of life burns low
Everywhere is misery and woe
Pollution kills the air, the land and sea
Man prepares to meet his destiny, yeah

Rocket engines burning fuel so fast
Up into the black sky so vast
Burning metal through the atmosphere
Earth remains in worry, hate and fear
With the hateful battles raging on
Rockets flying to the glowing sun
Through the empires of eternal void
Freedom from the final suicide

Freedom fighters sent out to the sun
Escape from brainwashed minds and pollution
Leave the earth to all its sin and hate
Find another world where freedom waits, yeah

Past the stars in fields of ancient void
Through the shields of darkness where they find
Love upon a land a world unknown
Where the sons of freedom make their home
Leave the earth to Satan and his slaves
Leave them to their future in their grave
Make a home where love is there to stay
Peace and happiness in every day




Just killed myself thanks







Greed is a prerequisite for the state, the state of capitalism

Blindness and narrow-mindedness as a condition of the cross

Ignorance and tendency to bow to authority
to increase and maintain the slave mentality

We forgive fraud and lies
Patience soon turns to shackles

What is the punishment and price of our standard of living?

The surface of a barren and dead world.


i gotchu, fam.


Embedding error.








Don't try to impose yr specific will over us.


You know what it is, it's in the name


2012 was a good year






File: 1664869060470.mp4 (26.31 MB, 770x470, felix faneto.mp4)





The Hit from Daughters, Self-Titled (2010)

Genre(s): Post-Hardcore, Noise Rock, Industrial Rock | Mathcore, Art Punk, No Wave, Industrial Metal, Alternative Metal, Avant-Garde Metal, Atmospheric Sludge Metal, Sasscore



Kerosene from Big Black, Atomizer (1985)

Genre(s): Noise Rock, Post-Hardcore, Industrial Rock, Post-Punk | Industrial Metal, Dance-Punk, Rap Metal, No Wave, Art Punk, Electro-Industrial

Unique IPs: 20

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