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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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I bought a new Kramer Baretta Special for 180 bucks to try to get back into guitar playing. It's been fun, but I'm running out of songs I want to learn. I like to be spontaneous by just picking up random songs that I might not have listened to on my own. Tell which song to learn please, it's your pick. I'm advanced enough I play pop,metal, rock, some jazz, but please don't say Polyphia or something that's going to blister the fuck outta me fingers.


CCR - Effigy


Thank you anon. That looks easy enough for where my fingers are at right now. The chord progression almost reminds of Hey Joe a little bit. C to E with the 7th thrown in.


No problem. My mental music library is huge. I wish I could play better. I guess Iike writing and listening to music more than playing.

Here's another guitar classic.



Blitzkrieg Bop


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>not beat on the brat


Check out the YouTube channel bossanovaguitar


Tom Paxton - freddie mac


John Cage's 4'33''


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fine, beat on the brat

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