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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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Nas just violated BDS during the middle of a fucking GENOCIDE.

He’s going to face appropriate backlash for this, right?




Most actual Palestinians won't care. Next.


This + he made Illmatic.


Let me know when a Palestinian rapper can make better music. Even Nas’ weakest track is better than most rappers’ best tracks.


Nas has so many unlistenable tracks. Any song where Nas sings is unlistenable.


Wait, I’m supposed to see something wrong with this?


Daily reminder CULTURAL boycotts are largely what ended apartheid in South Africa.


It's just a damn sample. It obviously wasn't meant for anyone to recognize it. If it was back in the day Preem would've stole it without giving them a penny lol.

And one other thing… What’s the deal with you break-record cats putting out all the original records that we sample from and snitching by puttin us on the back of it sayin we used stuff?
You *know* how that go!
Stop doing that, y’all are violatin', straight up and down!
Word up, man, I’m sick of this shit
Y’all muthafuckas really don’t know what this hip hop is all about
So while you keep on faking the funk, we gonna keep on walkin' through the darkness, carryin' our torches
Underground will live forever, baby
We just like roaches, never dyin', always livin'…
And on that note, let's get back to the program…


It normalizes Zionist settler colonialism.


Like I said, it's not like the song has an Israeli theme. Unless you already knew the song it's sampling there's no way you'd know it was Israeli.


Also acting like Nas had anything to do with it. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't even know what the sample is from. Dj Premier just showed him some beats, he picked one, then the record label's lawyers cleared it.


Kek, no. Apartheid in South Africa ended because Black South Africans were protesting and rioting every damn day and the apartheid system became so unstable that it had to be dismantled.

Based. Hip hop producers tend to be hella breadpilled on IP law and why it's bullshit.

Protip: there will still be Jews living between the river and sea regardless as to which solution is implemented.


>settler colonialism
ahistorical. a country engaging in genocide doesnt mean you get to throw proper analysis out the window


>CULTURAL boycotts
whats up with all the flagrant libshit


There are internal contradictions within Israeli society.

About half of all Holocaust survivors in Israel live in poverty.

About 65% of Israeli Jews are brown Jews (Mizrahi) from Muslim-majority countries like Morocco, Libya, Iraq, and Yemen.

There are almost 200,000 Black Ethiopian Jews in Israel who are frequently subjected to anti-Blackness.

And there are plenty of Haredi anti-Zionists living within Israel. Oh hell, there are even anti-Zionist parties which run in elections and get a decent amount of votes.

"Zionists settlers" are hardly a monolith.


>"Zionists settlers" are hardly a monolith.
Public opinion in Israel on continuing and intensifying the genocide is a monolith, for all intents and purposes.


What does that have to do with sampling an Israeli folk song from the 70s?


Are people forgetting Palestinians have been asking the whole world to boycott “Israel” for well over 15 years now? When you go against BDS you’re deliberately going against the demands of the Palestinian people as a whole.


Hip hop producers don't give a fuck about your faggotry. They are just looking for sounds. No one gives a fuck where they come from.


This. Leave Preemo alone.


Who the fuck cares?


Daily reminder The Alchemist is Israeli yet works with openly anti-Zionist artists.


Israeli people exist materially whether you like it or not. You can say they shouldn’t exist, but they materially do in this current reality.


Go back to your campus protest.


I thought Nas was already cancelled after Kelis exposed how he beat the shit out of her until she nearly died.


Am I a Zionist if I think the Israeli song is comfy?

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