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"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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Anybody here play an instrument or have musical talent of some kind?


Play banjo and sing in the scots tradition. Wys?


I have been told I am the incarnation of Less Claypool on the bass.


i really want to learn the accordion but have honestly no idea how to start doing that, especially considering how expensive instruments are


I used to play alto saxophone when I was still in grade school. Because I really liked the idea of playing Jazz music because it was so cool. Though my original pick was going to be a flute because it would have been super cool to learn that from watching cartoons and such. But glad I didn't as flute is very hard to play with huge hands like mine.


File: 1608525666415.jpg (1.66 MB, 2335x3838, IMG_20200313_171449.jpg)

Yes, an old "Melody King" 3/4 (parlor) guitar I got cheap on ebay.
I had a Stefan Grossman instructional DVD on fingerpicked blues guitar, in which he said for this genre either get an old battered one from a junk shop, or a cheap new one.

Pic related shows the guitar complete " bits of paper modification" to lift the strings high enough to stop fret buzzing.
When I've got some money together I'll get a proper guitar "set up" done at a guitar shop.
But in the meantime it does the job. I used it to record this :


what type of guitar is that which woody uses?

also how the fuck did people make guitars back in the villages
some string and a stick?punkPunk


I'm not talented at all but I have played guitar, bass + vox in a few punk and metal bands over the years and also played some solo noise shows. not gonna post anything bc I i'm not gonna dox myself If you like to listen music it's fun to make it too even if you're not that good.
Based gnostic blues comrade. There's some serious potential there. Keep it up!left_communismLeft Communism


It's in the evening after dark,
When the blackleg miner creeps to work,
With his moleskin pants and dirty shirt,
There gaans the blackleg miner!

Well he takes his tools and doon he gaans
To hew the coal that lies below,
There's not a woman in this town-row
Will look at the blackleg miner.

Oh, Delaval is a terrible place.
They rub wet clay in the blackleg's face,
And aroond the heaps they run a foot race,
To catch the blackleg miner!

So, divvint gaan near the Seghill mine.
Across the way they stretch a line,
To catch the throat and break the spine
Of the dirty blackleg miner.

They grab his duds and his pick as well,
And they hoy them down the pit of hell.
Doon ye gaan, and fare ye well,
You dirty blackleg miner!

So join the union while you may.
Divvin't wait till your dying day,
For that may not be far away,
You dirty blackleg miner!


I do, but can I just post folk I like here?

I've heard a couple Fugs songs before, but never heard anything from this Ed Sanders album until recently. It's fucking hilarious.


'Nother from it



Instructional LP by Pete Seeger for 6-string acoustic guitars. Another one for 12-string guitars: https://piped.kavin.rocks/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_muRjBxnMHsRI2SV8hJheGSjfvUNQbLJbc




ML Folk Music

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