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File: 1714261671764.jpeg (24.43 KB, 1200x800, tor-logo-743510445.jpeg)


The .onion domain is borked.


this is most likely intentional. it's over for torcels.


This irrational hate proves that identifying and singling out good-natured tor users is splitter behavior. Blessed mods re-enabled tor, wat happen?


File: 1714314279399.png (67.99 KB, 295x180, rippen.png)

We're so back 😊


the purple suggestion for the onion link alternative
no longer shows up when you visit leftypol.org, yet it seems accessible as normal again, as it shows up when you click a .mp4 link specifically and only then


No, fucked up the http proxy config


It should be fixed now


Onion is dead again I think.

Unique IPs: 5

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