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Why was my anti natalism thread deleted?

is anti natalism banned on leftypol now?


ur thread was bad


jannies are getting really stupid if "being bad" in their subjective opinion is enough to delete. It didn't break any rules. Anti natalism is a form of anticapitalist praxis and i justified why thats so in the thread. You leave literal natsoy shit up, but this is deleted?


>No IP history
>Extremely retarded premise and bold assertions
>Confrontational OP
>Already have reports for glowie thread


lol "confrontational"
if jannies are turning this shit into reddit i may as well go there considering they actually censor less.


>Enforcing anti-spam = Censorship
Why did you phrase that like you don't already use it, when it contains an admittance of using it?


>no IP history
you jannies just label anything you don't like "spam". Funny thing is, you jannies are so young you probably don't even know what" spam" means in the context of internet and email communication.

Here's a free lesson: if someone posts a link to a website over and over, that is spam. if someone posts a controversial opinion, that is not spam.


>email communication.
meant to say electronic communication


Not a jannies but the current antinatalism thread still isn't in autosage is it?


What happened to the "Tech Solidarity" thread too? Deleted for being bad?


no it isnt but they chose arbitrarily one thread to delete (not even sage or warn) and one is still up. They could have at least merged


They moved it to /siberia/ to die among porn and incel spam for no fucking reason


merge? doing actual moderation will cut into their anime and porn time. how the fuck will they fight in a revolution without finishing One Piece and balls full of cum????


Not a janny tho.
Also what crevices of reddit made you think the definition of spam has changed? Also that's too narrow even in ye olden days of the internet. Grifting is spam, link or no link. It can a multistage process.


File: 1678749613987.jpg (138.92 KB, 953x2048, EsxI4UYW4Akvjlb.jpg)

>>25904 (me)
Current spam is way more complicated, creating a narrative and false group consensus, and they payloads can be months to years after it's seeded. Picrel is a simple example.


>Current spam is way more complicated, creating a narrative and false group consensus, and they payloads can be months to years after it's seeded.
That's not spam, zoom zoom. You can't just say words mean whatever you want them to mean. I hate this postmodernist world.


>I hate this postmodernist world.
Words have always behaved like this. You can't say a glass of water unless its glass? Some words evolve to mean the opposite of what the originally meant. Keep calm, academicist.


Kid, I'm old enough to be your mom. Put away your heckin -oomer dolls and promise me you will develop an understanding of current spam tactics.
What happens before, during, between and after the deception and payload is what changes, but the core principals stay the same.
Additionally, look up what a multi-level marketing pyramid is, and how scam calling works.


>Anti natalism is a form of anticapitalist praxis


>Not a janny tho.
I'm just going to assume you are a janny mostly because they refuse to post with their capcodes on /meta/ for "some" reason.


Are you still beating your mom tho?


No, but your mom is beating me off and she is enjoying it.


You are boring, predictable. I was making yo mama jokes when you were no more than a clump of cells.

Unique IPs: 13

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