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a) When a new thread is made, do not delete the thread in the last position, and delete the least active thread (basically whichever thread has the oldest last reply)
b) Permasage cyclicals so they stop clogging the first page (they won't get deleted for being at the bottom thanks to A)
c) Automatically prune threads when they go X days without a reply, saged or not
d) Now channers will stop whining whenever sage is used too
e) Maybe increase reply limit to 1000 posts?


Oh and add links to the cyclicals in the board's description for easy access.


>Basically what happens anyways short of large-scale usage of the sage function by users
>Has been considered but denied cause visibility of generals stops newbs from instantly making shitty threads which belong in those generals. Instead, there will eventually be a tag system which you can filter generals out through.
>Also been considered, but since if there is ever a mass-bump raid deleting the posts resets the thread's position on the catalog, it was figured to be not necessary.
>Reply limit was reduced because thread load times were lagging people's computers and causing glitchy behavior from the site.

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