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can you guys start banning people who are clearly arguing in bad faith and shit up a thread for several posts
if you cant because that means more work for you then i understand


They often do, when they're on and the case is aggregious enough. They're light handed about it tho.


report it when you see it and its bad enough
don't report just because someone disagreed with something you agree with tho, idk its a personal thing. If I see it, i throw out lots of reports because the poster/post isnt rule breaking or messing with conversation. I do bad for disrupting convo a lot, just there's degrees. If e.g. Wvobbly sees your report first, high chance it'll get dealt with. All you can do tho is just report. We don't see every post in every thread


It's on a case-by-case basis and there's degrees to this.

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