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File: 1675897889449.gif (180.02 KB, 500x375, 1670820945901.gif)


why is the default css a boring generic "dark theme"
cant we have something distinctive as the main style


Dark jungle


Leaves could be darker, perhaps a few gif animal eyes peeking through occasionally.
Flat black posts for readability.
Where to put the bananas tho…


File: 1675976999490.jpg (89.76 KB, 932x341, image.jpg)

I have fixed your website.


hey, that's hajime no ippo! I'm watching it right now and I'm loving it :3


the white and dark mode debate is so dumb
PARCHMENT has always been the kino background color


This thread made me realize the dark red theme is ugly af. Im now using Yotsuba, big improvement


I would like something like that actually. So far all of our image-background themes have had a little too much going on for me, but something like a space theme (maybe name it Sputnik or Yuri?) would be nice.
Tzuki is my new favorite


File: 1676627652370-0.jpg (660.01 KB, 1920x1080, CCCP Dark Space.jpg)

File: 1676627652370-1.jpg (777.26 KB, 1920x1080, CCCP Space.jpg)

maybe these would work for it?

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