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I noticed a recent interaction that got me in the mood for a little rambling.

In the /prc/ China general there was someone who posted this link, https://twitter.com/CindyXiaodanYu/status/1597247427781984257?cxt=HHwWgoDQ9dWEyKosAAAA, to a video of protesters in China arguing with someone in a way that could be construed as coming from a pro-communist but anti-CPC tendency. The anonymous arguer says that the protests are sponsored by foreign agents and is replied to saying "what foreign agents?? Marx? Engels? Did foreign agents allow the fire to occur in the tower block? We can't even access the western internet we have no rights!"

Really, it's inconsequential. A group of random men with a megaphone, it's worthless to argue about. What is more important here is the behavior of the person who posted it. The post read "MAOIST WRECKERS BEHIND CHINA PROTESTS," and has the ban message from an admin saying "(astroturf IP) (potentially sussy amogus IP)," and in the replies are these messages which have also been linked to similar sussy IPs and banned -

It's unbelievable that in le West we need to remind "our comrades" that Marx literally advocated for building productive forces. It's in the fucking Communist Manifesto, btw.(I can see you ban evading buddy)

Glory to Mao. Glory to Mao Zedong thought. Glory to the Maoists of China and May they take over once more. Glory to the communes, glory to the red brigade. Down with the revisionists.(ban evading astroturf)

Notice the switching between differing tenancies wrapped in absurd flavored, cultish rhetoric. There are only two possibilities for what this person is; either a "glowie" or an anonymous hobbyist troll, and in that second possibility we could consider it a piece of art that draws to attention a potent astroturfing tactic that we've seen used before - the creating of cultist fringe tendencies within the communist movement that from a new reader gives off an air of insanity, of cultish frothing, spewing terms from marxist theory six per sentence whilst creating internal divisions within the communist community to generate internal battles between groups of people who, even though having differing opinions on what is "good or bad," still agree on the materialist analysis of what is going on in the real world.

If this actually was a glowie astroturfer (and an inexperienced new hire), then the implication that we are worthy enough to troll is quite flattering. This video is quite a good example of fringe-group infighting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtubShygZUs. I am also sure than anyone on here who has been obsessed with the communist users on twitter at any point will remember maoists and their public talk of attacking infrastructure and other LARP plans that would dismay the sorts of people we advocate for.

Everything you have ever said has been generated from everything you've ever heard. When you are around people you begin to have their style of speech and ideas slowly encroach into your own via human instinct. You are not immune from these people. Look what happened with the turncoats who ran off to LARP with Haz.




>Everything you have ever said has been generated from everything you've ever heard. When you are around people you begin to have their style of speech and ideas slowly encroach into your own via human instinct. You are not immune from these people. Look what happened with the turncoats who ran off to LARP with Haz.
The way it usually works, it's to get people to say and do things on their own initiative. Like "you know those guys over there, they're not real communists, they're shitlibs LARPing as communists… so when you go hang out with them, tell us everything you're hearing… you know… because you're such a good communist."


At first glance it looked kinda glowish but it's not feds, it's just this autistic neet man child that spends most of his life trying to spam sites including ours.


We must reprogram him with communist truth then


idgaf what he does with his time. However let this serve as a learning opportunity: The internet is not real life kids. Leftypol doesn't really matter. None of this really matters. Go enjoy life and organize your community face to face. You only get one life guys : )

Unique IPs: 4

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