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File: 1667579027978-0.png (52.26 KB, 1175x408, huh.png)

File: 1667579027978-1.png (132.38 KB, 1367x630, huh2.png)


How come some bans don't show up in the log? Are some mods using loopholes to sidestep transparency?

picrels: most recent example


bans on the IP page don't show up on board logs, they do show up on the overall mod log though. usually happens because IP is getting reviewed for a D+ before banning.


>overall mod log


File: 1667588544091.png (29.95 KB, 1052x396, ClipboardImage.png)

It'd do nothing without a mod account anyways and it shows all IPs, so no
Here is the (IP censored) proof it does work though, the - in the board it was issued in is why it doesn't show up on the board logs, and because vichan is retarded user-side moderation logs need a board specified to list the actions.


>we checked ourselves, and found no wrongdoing
jannies got this under control. how about you fuck off with your idpol?

Unique IPs: 3

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