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File: 1667171887717.jpeg (38.56 KB, 512x512, 2Q==(4).jpeg)


twitter.com should word filter to nitter.net so all /leftypol/ers can be directed to that front end instead of the main site whenever a twitter link gets posted to reduce potential data collection. It wont break any links just make them viewed by the front end. Using the url it also wont add an annoying needless confusing conversion of Twitter to Nitter. Twitter links get posted often. What this will do is help protect us from more invasive datamining from Twitter.


leftypol should also have embed support for YouTube mirrors like yewtu.be


It does. Click [proxy]




Right next to youtube embeds. You will see it.


sorry, I cannot see it. Can you screenshot it?


There are [Embed] and [Proxy] options next to this that you can click on


ok I see it now, it doesn't appear on mobile for me though only desktop mode


File: 1667259778754.jpg (261.56 KB, 1080x1336, IMG_20221101_094212.jpg)

ok it actually appears on mobile mod too, idk how I missed it.




Who is the man with cat?


evil lenin


I hate how clicking on twitter every time forces you to sign up for you can't see the rest of the page.


Corrupted AI generated Lenin and cat

I havent had that happen consistently but turning this into a filter should bipass it


Doesn't nitter not show replies at all though?


it does. it's twitter that doesn't show them all unless you log in.


this is actually a good idea



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