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why was i banned for this post… jannies are turning retarded just because you disagree with the premise doesn't mean i should be banned for it.

Is leftypol adopting some official ideological line i should be aware of?


Discussing with the mod now thanks. Also that ban is up (was 1 minute) so feel free to post either way.


the unofficial line is "you're always one book away from having the correct line" :^) Chew on that, valued poster.

I apologize on behalf of the whole mod team for this unconstitutional ban. It was an infringement of your rights as an anonymous leftypol poster. You broke no rules.

Post free, little birdy! We can never give you back that one minute we took from you, but we will regret it for the rest of our lives. The two-line struggle is advancing within the leftypol janitor's closet, and I have been subjected to much self-criticism. Progress is coming to leftypol.org! And it was your martyrdom that sparked it. You, anonymous poster, are and forever will be a hero of leftypol.


easy on the cringe there jannie lol



correct interboard link

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