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This website used to be at least remotely interesting before the moderators scared anyone that wasn't a sadsack right wing incel away with their hardline pro-Russia position
Now that the war is coming to an impasse (or whatever, not keeping up with it), the place is basically dead
Even the big generals on /leftypol/ barely get regular bumps
For shame
Mods fucked over their own website




wuz good mane?


I think over time people on here will realise that all empires glow. The mods are trying to deter flaming, which sometimes means nodding along when the userbase psyops itself. See the nazbol situation from 8ch/leftypol/.
Things will get better. The mods are trying their hardest.




>Everyone I don't like is /pol/ and pro-Russian: A Child's guide to argument on the internet
Ok OP, cry harder.


Laughter is a good medicine

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