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Mods asked a few days ago if that thread should be turned cyclic again. Despite the terrible results it caused in the past and the vast majority of anons expressing their opposition to it, the thread was made cyclic again anyway.
Now, the same issues have reappeared. The oldest posts now are only about 12 hours old. Many have expressed their dissatisfaction to this.
Considering the generally terrible moderation job in this thread regarding raiders and this completely moronic decision, it may be a good idea to investigate if moderation has been infiltrated with glowies. This development correlates with the recent recruitment for more mods.
Obviously un-cycle the /Ukraine/ General ASAP!








In addition to un-cycling, all previous Ukraine threads should be moved to the archive board. What the hell is the point of an archive board if it's not even doing any archiving?


for what it's worth, doesn't russian imageboard culture place a stronger emphasis on archival?


>terrible moderation job in this thread regarding raiders
They do a fine job with the moderation.


>They do a fine job with the moderation.
Go back.

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