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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

Discussions, querries, feedback and complaints about the site and its administration.
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 No.22612[View All]

Come dispute bans, complain, and other such things related to /leftypol/ here. Please try not to spam this thread or make multiple posts on the same issue, as this makes it harder for us to respond to issues.

946 posts and 119 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


We actually do already have one of those fwiw


I had a look at that but because I'm extremely attracted to imageboard culture it was just once lol. Thanks, I'll take another look.


Another option if there's specific discussions you want them to see would be to archive the thread with archive.is or archive.org etc and send them that link


huh. i would like to contribute but it seems like not just anyone can


Did you check the about page?

The editor of our journal may be slow to get back to you since they're fairly busy with life things especially lately


There's someone conservative I discuss politics with irl who would be interested in the /cybersoc/ threads. I'm just gonna make edited versions and email them. Just don't want to have any association to the nsfw stuff on the overboard tbh. I got enough red flags already lol.


When will tor users be allowed to make threads again?


never. tor is where most people who are mean to the mods come from. TOR IST VERBOTEN!!



given that https://leftypol.org/leftypol/res/1461988.html#q1462206 admits their thread is bot-produced, and it's pretty obvious that it is, maybe it should just be saged. it's just more drama ammunition.


in return u should unsage my shulamith firestone thread


Can I upload an mp3 with a post over tor? It's just a pretty normie podcast episode.


Why are anarchists such snitches despite supposedly being "anti-authoritarian"? Even the most successful anarchist, Adolf Hitler, was a snitch for the Weimar government for a while.


its a goddamn estonian snail-racing board


The more you speak, the harsher we will treat you.

Almost got me ngl.


Why got the leftypol thread deleted How will housing under communism work?


mods = gods


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when you're being mean to me, this is who you're being mean to


Have sex with me please I am fucking begging you to have sex with me I need to have sex with you please it is the only thing I want is to have sex with you.


'ods theres a CP thread on the 'beria


Yo, some sick fuck made a CP thread in Siberia. Nuke it, please.




Thank fuck I didn't link anyone here. If this is happening there should be no imageposting while mods are away guys.


Can you guys build a porn filter for Siberia similar to leftypol now? This is the second time this year where there’s been an incident of cp surfacing on the forum along with multiple waves of the catalogue being flooded with porn over ordinary posts


yeah everytime i get flashed with CP it doesnt make me want to ever come back here, I appreciate its hard to moderate but if it meant no more CP a hard porn filter would be acceptable to me


sorry *it makes me want to never come back here.


>if it meant no more CP a hard porn filter would be acceptable to me

That wouldn't make any difference. If you mean some automated system I don't even know how that would work.


Program a bot, feed it data of porn and have it auto delete any content it recognizes as porn. Don’t care how you guys pull it off, if it keeps the site alive then it’s worthwhile since you guys can’t always be here to watch over the sites state


how about making a filter that prevents you from posting images if you havent commented x amount of times (doesnt have to be absurd, it just stops the actual bots and a number low enough its easily circumvented from the average poster)


If you don't want to very occasionally see disturbing spam then don't use imageboards. Sometimes all the mods will be offline and CP may be up for a while. It's not great but just hide the thread and stop acting like a faggot. If you can't handle it then stick to larger social media platforms that have teams of paid 24/7 mods.

This would fuck over users who post over proxies and is too much like a reddit karma system.


That’s only so effective man. The problem is that it’s getting on the site in the first place. It would be like trying to make 4chans politically incorrect board tolerable by filtering nearly every thread on it. You can hide the problem but it won’t stop it from coming again, there needs to be protection from the site to prevent it. Similar to how the word requirement and filters have kept the sites discourse to be generally way more focused than what’s seen on not just 4chan but a lot of other social media platforms


>>26903 >>26904
How about this: People can upload pictures but mods have to manually release them? A bot could automatically do this for reposts of the last couple thousand pics that already went through manual unlocking and all the Alunyas.


>If you don't want to very occasionally see disturbing spam then don't use imageboards.
That means that all the quality discussion is never seen by normies. There's a lot of people who would be impressed and want to participate by some of the discussion here but are just totally put off by some of the images.
>Sometimes all the mods will be offline and CP may be up for a while.
If that's the case then there should be no imageposting while there are no mods watching. You can't just accept cp ffs.


Tell the sexy femboy to cool it with the shitposts and spam. Note that this is not a call to moderate any posts. It’s kind of obsessive and over saturated at this point.


I don't know any sexy femboys as such. If you know any please direct them to me posthaste.


>suggest easy to implement solution

>if you dont like it leave

its almost like you want the child porn here


also 'make 10 posts on threads so you can post images' is like the most basic of fucking requirements and nothing like reddit karma dont be fucking retarded you closet pedo


He’s a glowie


>yOu ArE lItErAlLy KiLlInG tHe SiTe
geniune inquiry what mental illness causes a person to hyperfixate specifically on individual literally whos for this long a period of time?
>nice try object of my derangement but clearly it is you >:)


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why is m00dy allowed to delete meta complaints from the meta board


Because there is nobody to hold them accountable for doing so.


Deflecting or denying the problem is not going to solve it. The site is demonstrably losing posters. We don't want that, and /leftypol/ mods shouldn't want that either.

>tiny group of moderators who control what posts and posters are allowed and has the power to remove them are "literally whos"

What the fuck else are we supposed to talk about in the Site Moderation Thread on the /meta/ board? The banners aren't what's driving posters away.

Pointing to evidence of staff members abuses of their position isn't hyperfixating or even fixating.
It's raising awareness that there are problems and recognizing the most probable causes. Not our faults if it happens to be the same few people constantly. In fact, that's not a fault, because it suggests a simple solution.

Speaking of hyperfixation, aren't you the mod who made literally a hundred replies to the dev resignation thread and then got told to not post on /meta/ by other mods?


What complaints?


> aren't you the mod who made literally a hundred replies to the dev resignation thread and then got told to not post on /meta/ by other mods?
It is not Pask and that’s not what happened. Pask didn’t make most of the posts wrt Discomrade leaving. Pask made the commitment himself to stop posting in /meta/. Caballo only announced it after the meeting.

Stop making things up or else don’t get upset when we don’t listen to you.


why was my soyjak pic on /leftypol/ removed? soyjaks arent inherently banned on /leftypo/ (unless it's spam, or simply greentexting another persons post, neither of which I did) and there's also more soyjaks in the thread that wheren't banned so idk why mine was singled out.


my bad it was a misunderstanding. you weren't the only one effected. i've rescinded the ban.


Speak of the Devil and He shall appear.
I was gonna make a serious reply but just looking at all the absurd assumptions it's clear that it won't be of any use. First that is not me you are replying to and it's a mystery to me why they even bothered replying.
>shouldn't want
What's it to you what I want and don't want? My motivations are beyond your comprehension.
>dev resignation
If the Dev couldn't accomplish your goals, what chance do you have?
>a hundred replies
I don't count them of course. But here we are at the main point. Why is it that people should be allowed to slander me endlessly but when they get just the tiniest pushback, it's a big deal. Just think about that. Where is this dev? Why did he stop replying? All I wanted was to have a civilized talk. Or maybe a meta discussion. Like calling people cops is not a good idea in this milieu (if you want to have a civilized talk) which I also tried to impress upon him. I remember already telling him that a long time ago. Evidently, without any success.
So let me make suggestions for improvements. Either step the fuck up or back the fuck off. What this means is work to improve the site in whatever (limited) capacity without asking for things in return or don't try (trying here being following whatever instinct it is that compels you to try to pick a fight with me). Because, again, doing the same thing over and over again won't force reality to change. I have already laid all this out. There is no room for confusion here, only willful ignorance.
The world is not divided into those with fault and those without. I'd suggest you try to get over your religious delusions.


>Stop making things up
>Pask made the commitment himself to stop posting in /meta/.
The announcement "Pask has agreed to stop posting on /meta/." uses the word "agree" which implied it was a proposal from another that they accepted. If I'm wrong, then sure, I'm wrong, we can't see your meetings and rely on the little communication we get to try and figure out how this place works.
I'm not 'making things up', I'm reading what was written. And if that's a miscommunication and I'm wrong, then I retract that accusation, and replace it with:
>Speaking of hyperfixation, aren't you the mod who made literally a hundred replies to the dev resignation thread and then agreed not post on /meta/ but did anyway?

>or else don’t get upset when we don’t listen to you.

Ignoring people because they gave feedback you think is false is an atrocious attitude. What the fuck.

Hey, I just didn't expect to see someone else so smug and defensive replying. Take it as a complement, or something.
>What's it [that] you what I want and don't want?
Basic steps towards a decent user experience.
And that doesn't sound like much, but even super basic suggestions from other mods were ignored within a week, and complaints about posts deleted for no reason either ignored or mocked with shitposts.
Look at this blatant arrogance:
>If the Dev couldn't accomplish your goals, what chance do you have?
Like someone said earlier, it's not even your fault. You blatantly don't give a fuck about the users, the site rules or the other staff's suggestions. If anything, you're doing the best you can to either get the other staff off their asses or to expose them as frauds. Sure, it's killing the site. And if the site is run by other mods who let you do it, then unfortunately the sooner it dies, the better.

>Why is it that people should be allowed to slander me endlessly but when they get just the tiniest pushback, it's a big deal.

Because the slander is accusations of malpractice against an authority. Someone who has their posts deleted for no clear reason is bound to start accusing the people who deleted them. And when it's the same few names each time, with no sign of improvement over multiple years, it's going to become personal criticism sooner or later.

>Why did he stop replying? All I wanted was to have a civilized talk.

You can't look at your posts in that thread and seriously tell me you were attempting civilized talk with anyone.
>my name only appeared once
>jar jar
>didn't read lol
In fact, this post I'm replying to, despite not being "a serious reply", is more civil than anything you wrote there.

>Like calling people cops is not a good idea in this milieu

I'll agree. I get they were trying to make a comparison to authority but it's still in poor taste.

>step the fuck up

>What this means is work to improve the site … without asking for things in return
<If the Dev couldn't accomplish your goals, what chance do you have?
A wonderful dilemma you've given us. Improve the site or don't try.
Our obvious, repeated complaint is mods are just deleting whatever they want.
So, the limited capacity to improve that aspect of the site is… complaining on /meta/ about it and hoping the mod team will finally listen. Because volunteering for the site obviously isn't an effective way forward if feedback here isn't.

Either that or incite users to split the site, and even I don't want that to happen. The site is dying fast enough already.


>A wonderful dilemma you've given us. Improve the site or don't try.
Yes, I think so. See it as a koan. It's really not unanswerable tho.
Watch the video attached in the last post for further information. Then watch it again.

>because they gave feedback you think is false

Reasonable reaction to someone blatantly misrepresenting reality constantly.

>bound to

>going to become
These two sentences in general show a detachment from reality that impresses even me. Not only do you assume that the slander must be correct but there is not even agency assigned to those engaging in it! I have agency, you don't. Of course everything runs against you.

>didn't expect to see someone else so smug and defensive replying. Take it as a compliment

The height of mature civilized behavior. Disgusting. "I was wrong but this doesn't matter. And I'm right anyway because I feel vindicated. Also have more insults."
Is this the fabled me-me-me generation?
You're very committed (to being a twat) but all you do is backwards and wrong. These are facts. You don't have the mindset of wanting to improve this place in the least, only self-aggrandizement. Hence there is no way to have a civilized, serious talk.

>You can't look at your posts in that thread and seriously tell me you were attempting civilized talk with anyone.

I have a lot of patience but even that runs out on occasion.
Sorry (for not passing the liberal civility test)

One time in this odyssey of a post you want the site to die, then next you don't want that to happen. You should decide on what you want.

>You blatantly don't give a fuck

What is it with you people and lack of political education? Why are you trying to guess at other's intentions (which you are completely unqualified to do)? It doesn't matter.
This is a sure way to identify a liberal. I am not trying to be rude but it has to be said. We need to look out for liberal behavior and latent liberalism.
And I get that I am basically Satan to liberals (or left-identified people with no political education) but like come on. Try to hide it.
The two previous splits were directly caused by this. Space_ shirking any work but not letting go of his power. Zer0 believing wreckers uncritically.
So maybe that's why I am quick on the draw?
Why is tone so important to you anyway (serious question btw)?

>said not to post on /meta/ but did anyway

I don't post unless people blatantly try to spread lies in which case I may (sometimes) be compelled to reply. Why is that a problem? I've already made this joke but I really could send someone else. It just so happens that I am an expert on the topic of discussion (maybe we can subsume it under liberal pathology).

>volunteering for the site obviously isn't an effective way forward if feedback here isn't

This is blatantly saying 'if crying is of no use actually doing anything obviously is of no use either"

>mods are just deleting whatever they want.

What the fuck does that even mean? Why do you think stuff gets deleted? Why do you think people moderate? Why would anyone want to have anything to do with this sort of thing? Why engage in this discussion? What is whatever they want? Who decides that?
Unable to point to anything to be done, you've slipped right back to hysterical "Who watches the watchers" posting. Or maybe we never left.

>decent user experience (jfc I won't try to comment on the experience of watching customers complain about their experience)

In any case I hope you have a good experience (ab)using the site.


Why was my thread anchored? What rule does it break?

You get all these complaints, but you keep fucking doing the same shit, because the users bully you on matrix lol

Apparently talking about how old the pyramids are is way too controversial and offensive, but Nazis asking idiotic questions about Marx or:
"Is there any social scientist with us who can tell us exactly when the revolution will happen?"
Intelligent question, amazing thread, /leftypol/ seal of approval, really made people think.

You encourage low-effort garbage, while anchoring actual discussion. I bet you all wonder why the site is dying, huh? Yeah, it's a big fucking mystery.


i didn't sage your thread. i saw it, and i didn't think it was worth action, but i can see why it was and the thread you post here wasn't. your thread was a highly visible shitflinging competition that was really over as far as fruitful discussion by the third post. the thread you quote here was barely bumped six times and no one deigned to report it for low quality.

you'll be happy to know that since you brought it to my attention i've merged that thread with the QTDDTOT thread. thank you for doing your part, comrade.

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