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been seeing a lot of picrel since july. Is this one guy or is this some new annoying strain of anti-"""totalitarian""" liberalism that has infected the board? The constant accusations of having not read any theory are particularly rich, and the vague gesturing towards a perfect revolution that need not be carried out violently nor defended with violence is laughable. The inability to distinguish between "critical" support and "uncritical" support is also common in posts of this vintage, as is a very glowing tendency to get frustrated at Anti-American sentiment. "Why do you hate America? Just get mad at capitalism! Ignore that America is the current unipolar capitalist hegemon doing all the coups and IMF loans and privatization! Sh-shut up!!"


I agree it's annoying, it's a very obnoxious type of idiocy, but I doubt he's a federal agent. I just get 'hormonal zoomer anarcho-liberal from Twitter/Reddit' vibes.


> Tomas's law:
> Any sufficiently advanced malice is indistinguishable from stupidity. (Because that provides deniability for the perpetrators.)
> I don't know Tomas's identity, but he said I could post his law.

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