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File: 1658402040067.png (8.36 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)


Wordfilter 4chan to: "Loserchan" or "Noobchan." Are they both sound good?


no, call it by its real name, halfchan


>"Loserchan" or "Noobchan."
damn fucking got they ass


Name it stormfront.org


wouldn't this just make conversation more confusing?


Shut the fuck up 8gagger.

Steal the 7chan wordfilter "th layer of hell".


>Loserchan" or "Noobchan."
sounds like something 9gag would come up with


>Steal the 7chan wordfilter "th layer of hell".
oh hai coma


wordfilter Крим to Крым


>Make linking impossible
thanks idiot.


>thanks idiot.
cope and seethe, you don't /GET/, also linking to cancer central is based apparently


Shut up


I think word filters are dumb and encourage redditoid euphemismspeak. Let people come up with their own jokes if they wanna make a joke, don't force jokes on people trying to have serious discussion.


>Cope and seethe
Ok projector
I've probably gotten more Gets than you.
>Linking to cancer central is based apparently
Nice scarecrow you got there.


filter ‘cope’ to ‘good point’


>good pointing mechanism
Word filters should be for discouraging reddit memes and slurs, not English normal words.

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