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why did you make the abe thread cyclical you fucking retards, many posts with relevant info got deleted immediately so now were just left with le funny memes and happening tards that contribute nothing to the thread


I don't understand this sort of entitlement
I'm curious what information you think would be there


get a load of this imbecile, you mean all the actual discussion of the news? if you check the thread its just /pol/ trolling and funny maymays now because the relevant posts that happened at the start got pushed off


Could the mods increase the thread limit to something past 600?


Just stop it with the cyclicals my god. What is the problem with making new threads when the last one is filled?


Reminder that with moderation less is more. Stop doing unneeded things.


check webarchive


this is the default
if you want something archived, do it yourself


making a fast thread for an important recent event that was going to stop getting talked about in a couple of days a cyclical was such a retarded move lmao


How do you archive? You don't know when one thread ends and another begins because it's cyclical. With normal threats you know, this one ended, this new one begins. What do you do for cyclical threads, decide once a day you'll archive? On slow days you archive duplicates, on fast days you might miss 10 hours

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