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I was just banned with the """reason"""":

Can we admit how fucked up this is? Sure, ban the fuck out of me, but WITH A LEGIT REASON, based on our FUCKING RULES. Otherwise what's the fucking point of all of this?

What processes do the posteriat have to control those who control us? You impose rules upon us, but there isn't a framework by witch we could hold mods to said rules. At the very least adopt a list of ethical guideline by which mods could be held accountable by.

"-.-" my ass.

This fucker literally deleted one of my acerbic posts, for no reason other than "-.-".


it was for repeated derailing that should be clear from context
ffs man


you don't get it, I am your fairy fucking godfather


you are bandits above your OWN LAWS


highly subjective OPINION

It was a post that drew a parallelt between the Dutch thread's (admittedly!!! >>>/leftypol/1048189 ) reductionism concerning "farmers" and Hillary Clintons dislike of "deplorables."

It was a completely valid post, funny, even.


But all this is besides the point.

Are you, mods, beholden to any rules? Because clearly you ban and delete posts extra-legally, meaning not in accordance with the rules YOU YOURSELF HAVE PASSED.

What are these rules for then?


I fucking told you to stop derailing
there is a limit to everything
it's fine if you rant and rave but not everywhere at the same time
All I have deleted is posts ranting about moderation (I don't even know what you are talking about here)
yes, we are (we are apparently talking about a 7 minute ban, which is a warning to lay off, cause warnings don't fucking work, technically)


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and again keep that in mind

you know, I was thinking,
Why do I always get stuck with the crazies? But I get it now.
I ask again, why do you make it impossible to communicate?


>I fucking told you to stop derailing
1. wasn't derailing; ironic parallels aren't derailing by definition.
2. You didn't warn me. Banning with the """"""reason"""""""" of "-.-" isn't warning about shit.
>it's fine if you rant and rave
3. But that's not what I'm doing ITT, now is it? You made me question: by what rules DO YOU, a mod, work by, because CLEARLY you don't ban anymore based on your OWN LAWS, you ban based on your fancy.
>All I have deleted is posts ranting about moderation
4. Lie. You deleted an acerbic post which implied that all of those who think that "all farmers" are "kulaks" are no different from Hillary Clinton, who thinks these people are "deplorables."

Can you stop lying, plz?


no u
the post featuring Hillary fucking Clinton is still there


>from all of this, I pretend to get only a "no, u"
Have the decency to actually pretend (if you don't actually think) that posters here have basic intelligence. It's not hard, mind you.


>the post featuring Hillary fucking Clinton is still there


you deleted it

good job, Hillary


>You didn't warn me. Banning with the """"""reason"""""""" of "-.-" isn't warning about shit.
yes, it it. as I said, warnings don't work, they just let you write a blue text on a post which is totally useless
so a seven minute ban is a fucking warning
let me repeat your own words
I should have been more explicit cause you are totally incapable of taking more subtle clue and that is on me. but making it out like a serious issue
how many posts featuring Hillary have you made? well, it's still there

get fucked, at this point


all lies, btw


all true


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>banning a random user with the """""""""""reason""""""""""" "-." constitutes a WARNING




Bandits, all of you. Respect your own fucking laws, ffs.


you aren't a random user, you are a madman ranting about inconsequential shit for hours
and again I don't give a fuck about that
but don't derail random threads with that shit
you fucking know where to put your complaints
see as you are right here
again, it's just baffling


>you aren't a random user, you are a madman
2022, leftypol. What constitutes a "madman?" Drawing acerbic parallels between quote-unquote communists who label ALL farmers as "kulaks" and Hillary Clinton who labels ALL the same as "deplorables." That's my supposed sin. Fuck me for attempting to be witty. (Goes against rule number… uhm… yeah… fuck me!)

>and again I don't give a fuck about that

don't care about you not caring to understand the situation

>you fucking know where to put your complaints

Yeah, constricted to 200 characters, basically two sentences. Fuck me for wanting a community wherein after the mods fail to check post-history they ban you as supposed "reactionary" even though you are ARGUING AGAINST said views in the same thread.

Just fuck the posters for wanting a fair trial, basically.

>it's just baffling



>Yeah, constricted to 200 characters, basically two sentences
no here, this board, not a random thread on /leftypol/
gonna ignore the rest cause I really don't know what you're on about


>no here, this board, not a random thread on /leftypol/
Do you even know what a "ban appeal field" is?

>gonna ignore the rest cause

lol, k


this is a funny online website, there are no like, policies or laws. there's just a loose ruleset and you can be banned if the vibes are off. dont need much more of a reason than 'we don't want you here' because again this is just a funny online website, nothing more.


>there are no like, policies or laws


this guy is getting mad over an emote X^D


>500+ communist post history
<ban "reason?"
are you right in the head, supposed comrade?


>imageboard moderators being cringe
How does this shock you OP? The mod who banned you (pask) is a literal autist who has nothing better to do all day than ban people on the small imageboard he moderates for slight infractions. Let him have his fun and just use tor like the rest of us.


>How does this shock you OP?
I get your point, tbh, but I'm naive enough to believe that supposed commie mods would act better……………………..


I reviewed your ban history, and this ban was LITERALLY for 7 minutes. Please be less obsessed. The mod in question clearly felt you needed a timeout which is reinforced by this topic. Saging this topic as the ban has ended anyway.


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I would just D+ you myself instead of banning.


You say this but then you're the least active mod by a significant margin. All bark, no bite.


>you're the least active mod
Then you clearly don't know anything.

>All bark, no bite.

In my defense, my active timezone has little people online.


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Comet isn't inactive.

Just a cock sucking lib with a false sense of authority.


>it's okay to intimidate users without any feedback mechanism as long as it's short
Biggest load of bullshit this week.


yeah jannies are autist but retards like op are simply the other side of the same coin lmao


if you feel "intimidated" you also need a timeout


Extremely short bans over nothing can be described as nothing less than a power tripping janny intimidating users.


first, you do not know what intimidation fucking entails
second, you don't know how much some really need to take a break from garbageposting but won't
or maybe you do


1. hurr durr
2. Don't give a shit. If you can find a way to justify this then it can be used to justify much worse behavior. Jannies either have a set of consistent rules to enforce that apply to all users universally or their power is nothing more than a conduit for personal aggrandizement.


slibbery slobe
did you read the thread?


Lmao, what, you're expecting some transparency and accountability from this modocracy? Leftypol was done for the moment 8ch was no more. There was a choice on 8ch, there was an arbitrage by somewhat neutral admins, there were general rules for the boards, there was FREEDOM.

I still remember with amusement what an absolute fucking embarassing temper tantrum BOtroon threw when he got bitchslapped by Codemonkey for breaking the site-wide rule for planning to nuke the board. It was fucking glorious, the sheer impotent rage lmao.

These jannies don't follow any rules, mate. They are just a small clique of pathetic autists, they ban because they feel like it. That's all there is to it.

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