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I've always noticed that people trying to shoehorn their religious beliefs into socialism get a free pass when a thread doing the same with a skin color or a gender would've been thrown into the dustbin. So why the double standards?


jannies treat the boards as their retarded party so I wouldn't be surprised if some took a page from Lenin and allow it as "personal contradiction". This might be making the mistake though that they are of one mind when in reality they are divided on many issues.


they let many threads up if it gives lip service to leftism, otherwise it would be strictly politics.


Idpol is based on external behaviour/characteristics.
Religion is based on internal characteristics, just like politics.
You may argue that heterosexuality is also an internal characteristic, but i disagree because religion, just like politics, is linked to the worldview, while heterosexuals are prone to fucking that leads them to change their behaviour.
Dogmatic behaviour, if discussed, in my opinion should be banned. But, if you are talking about leftypol, i dont see people saying that eating pork is based, while eating beef is extremely bluepilled. They may instead talk about why the apologetic behaviour of the Pope toward certain groups of far-right wingers is not based on strong theological claims that would suggest that the whole christian world should be apologetic of far-right politics.


>otherwise it would be strictly politics.
on a board for politics.. that would be such a shame…


there's no politics on /leftypol/


Because liberation theology, that's why.

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