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The eternal internal debate of whether to tell some retard to fuck off and risk derailing the thread with a pointless "discussion" or just ignoring, hiding and reporting at the risk of newcomers seeing those posts and thinking they're acceptable behavior on leftypol.


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I can relate.


telling someone to fuck off isnt a discussion. If theyre so wrong you should be able to easily debunk them, no tedious discussion needed. That said, Im happy to hide half the garbage threads on this site, "acceptable behavior on leftypol" be damned


You sound like someone susceptible to neoliberal ideology
Can you look up emergent behavior or emergent phenomenon?


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<Don't feed the troll! Turn to Proverbs 26:4-5! :)
>Failure to reply can result in a consensus crack, thus can mislead people into believing some ideas are accepted.
It's so tiring.


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>absolute ridiculously shit thread
>9 of us don't reply
>sinks off the front page
>this one fucking autist starts arguing back for no reason
<22 replies, page 1


sometimes it's buddy samefagging, just report and ignore


I just have to repeat, the absolute irony
Maybe it has all been worth it just to experience this moment


>If theyre so wrong you should be able to easily debunk them
<debate me bro!


It's worse when it's done way later and you see some dumbass bumping a shitty thread from months ago

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